[quote]spartanpower wrote:
TF: I’m not attacking you in this response, so don’t take it that way.
My ENTIRE family (except my mom and one uncle) is at least 50 lbs overweight, with my two aunts being the fattest at at least 200 for the one and 250 for the other. My son’s grandmother probably weighs over 200 at 5’3". My dad is about 250 and just had his first heart attack. My mom’s dad died of a massive stroke when I was 18. He was about 60 pounds overweight. Both of my dad’s parents have had quadruple bypasses. My uncle has had a triple. All have had heart attacks and/or strokes, and all are very fat and unhealthy.
I hate fat people because I know what they’re doing to themselves. You can plead with them to lose weight until you’re blue in the face and they won’t listen. They don’t want to hear it, because they don’t want to feel bad about themselves. So they ride the Domino’s/KFC/McD’s/Krispy Kreme train all the way to the OR or the fucking morgue. They poison themselves every day with no regard for the people that they may end up leaving behind to pick up the pieces after they die prematurely.
When my mom called me and told me about my dad’s heart attack, I held my breath until she told me he was alive. Then I wished that I was there so I could beat him to death for not listening to me every fucking time I told him he needed to start watching his diet a little, exercising a little, and otherwise not being such a fat fuck.
I know for a fact that just because someone is fat doesn’t mean that they are lazy or stupid. In my family you’ll find the HARDEST working and most intelligent individuals you have ever met. My 250 lb whale of an aunt was a VP with PNC for 10 years before she retired and started her own business at the age of 40. My uncle with the triple bypass owns a prosperous packaging company. My grandfather that’s still alive is 80 years old and he still holds a full time job. My dad is the leading sales rep for an industrial waste removal company. Hard working and smart, yet completely fucking irresponsible with their own health. They know how to lose weight, they just lack the desire or the willingness to fucking suck it up and get it done.
It isn’t the government’s responsibility to help these people. It isn’t the fast food companies’ responsibility. It isn’t the schools’ responsibility. This is a cross that they (the fat people) have to bear, along with their loved ones. If you have overweight people that you care about, I suggest you do everything in your power to try and help them change for the better. I do all I can, and it’s a tough fight to get even the smallest response, but if I can keep my dad around long enough to see his grandson graduate from college, get married, and have great grandkids, then I’ll be happy with my efforts.[/quote]
Spartan, I didn’t take it as an attack, and I understand where your coming from.
My Dad drank and smoked himself to death. As a result, I neither drink nor smoke, as I swore as I watched him lying there in a hospital bed, that I would never put my kids through that.
But today, as I am walking to the gym, I see a lady with flat tire in the gym parking lot. She was obese, and was struggling. Did I ignore her? No. I changed her tire.
Why did I do it? Because she needed help. She is still a person, and she has limitations. Some people take drugs, some people cry, some people work out and others eat too much, as an outlet. Is it the best outlet? Hell no. But people do what they do. As I said before, I am less sympathetic to the steroid freaks who know what they are doing is wrong, and just don’t care.
People on here saying these people should die, thats just wrong. Just as you said, when your family is walking around, do you want people who managed to care for their bodies to be wishing death upon them?
I do think the goverment needs to regulate this area. The goverment is for the people, and if this epidemic as they call it doesn’t warrent attention, tell me what does?
As far as seeing someone in a gym, getting nowhere fast, I understand sometimes people don’t take advice. But sometimes they do. If I see someone struggling and they seem to need help, I will offer up some words. If they choose not to do it, thats their right. But stop and think. They are in the gym. If they are that obese, they are not there for looking at others. They want help. Whats the harm in helping out even if they never do it. Maybe at some point it will sink in. You didn’t lose anything in trying.