Expensive Nutrition

[quote]xxrob5xx wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:
I purchase all of my meat in bulk either via a farmer or Sam’s Club! I can get about 5 lbs of boneless chicken thighs for a hair under $10. Get frugal with your money, set a limit, shop around and don’t be one of those suckers that goes to the grociery store every other day (like I used to).[/quote]

LOL. I used to also. However, it took me a LONG time to find foods that worked with me the best and also weren’t expensive.

For instance, I had no idea how to grill shit outside of a Foreman Grill until about 5 years ago. That changed everything. I grilled up 3 big packages of breast tenderloins yesterday (enough for about 20 different meals) and vacuum sealed them. The whole things probably cost me less than 50 bucks for that, the charcoal, and everything involved.

No one showed me how to do that. It was mostly trial and error.

If someone had told me how to do this shit 10 years ago, I would be farther along.

I now have 20 meals ready to go that just need to be thawed. No more cooking this week outside of minor shit like eggs and heating stuff up.[/quote]


What do you use to vacuum seal your cooked food?

This sounds the greatest fucking idea ever. I take it lasts longer vacuum sealed and frozen?

It can last two years or more stored in a freezer vacuum sealed. Read this:

I use a “seal-a-meal” but will upgrade soon to a bigger model. the one I have now is usually sold for under 50 bucks. I use them so often though that they usually start crapping out on me after about two years.

For people who are consistently eating as much as some of us do, I think it is almost necessary. I would be wasting a shit ton more food without it because if I tried keeping this much chicken in the fridge for a week, it would be sand paper by day 3 and I probably wouldn’t eat it after day four.

I seal these chicken breasts almost right after cooking them (as soon as it cools down a little). They taste great…I would guess seeing as people at my house keep eating my food.