Ecdysterone - The Proof

Well, all you skeptics will soon have the opportunity to prove it to yourselves. I see where TKE is selling a 20-HECD product with their protein and… urinalysis sticks to give you an idea of whether or not it is in fact improving nitrogen retention. To all you skeptics out there, take the test. I can’t wait to get a hold of some albustix and do the same. To me, this is a very good thing for the industry and a great tool for the consumer.

TKE protein Nexus is a cheap whey concentrate with a little lecithin and some L-carnitine. I personally know the guy who designed some of their products, He left the company on bad terms. Since he’s left TKE they have not come out with one new product except the 20-H. I also heard from several sources that Trey King can’t be trusted. SO I would’nt trust any test they’re doing for nitrogen retention.

Mixel - I have been taking the “Anabolica” product from Maxwell and will report the results after one month. I posted my body comp tests a few weeks back. Most of the bug juice is garbage. Testing the urine via spot testing for nitrogen/protein is inaccurate. True tests include only a 24 hour urine collection. Spot checks are better to note urine concentration, urinary glucose, etc (stuff to note dehydration, diabetes, renal damage, etc.).

Just a thought.

urinalysis sticks provide no information about nitrogen retention. There should be no protein in the urine of any health person.