Are there any fans of dubstep here? It’s starting to take over pretty quickly, and being played at clubs all over the place. Here’s a good one. If you don’t have a sub woofer than don’t bother.
Dubstep’s been around for yonks, and it’s one of those genres that really polarises people into groups of love or just pure loathing. I personally think it’s great.
Here’s a good one, not bad for lifting music either:
Dubstep is pretty good. I find most of it just to be a collection of too many sounds at once though. Too many producers thinking that more = better. That goes with everything though, I just notice it more with dubstep.
This is my fave dubstep tune
[quote]Mettahl wrote:
Are there any fans of dubstep here? It’s starting to take over pretty quickly, and being played at clubs all over the place. Here’s a good one. If you don’t have a sub woofer than don’t bother.
Not familiar, but I sure do like what I hear on the vid.
Good shit; I DO love some Mt Eden for sure.