Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun

4 minutes easy stair climber
squats: 380 4x1
4 sets of hams
2 sets of abs
a little light backwards sled pulling

light sled pushing and pulling
(long) Paused bench: 335 4x1
4 sets of chest
2 sets of tries
some hill walks

5 minutes uphill treadmill walk
deadlifts: 475 4x1
4 sets of upper back
2 sets of bies

40 minute walk

Paused bench:
365x1 (smashed it)
375x1 (Not as strict a pause and I did lift my butt briefly, but strength was there and I’m counting it for training.)

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420x1 (ugly. Depth was pretty close, hips shot back, weight shifted onto my heels, almost fell over, but I got my weight back forward, hips more under me and finished the lift.)

What’s happening man? T-transformation challenge is nearing completion and you haven’t posted any updates in a while.

Life happened. Just turned 35. Wife is pregnant. Got a promotion at work. Had to travel a good bit. Just super busy, in a good way. I had to let something drop, so backed off the diet. My training has been really hard, but I’ve been eating quite a bit more and put back on 5 or 6 pounds. I needed the hard training as therapy and it wasn’t happening with low calories and everything else going on.

Been doing some west side style conjugate and having a lot of fun. Here’s a quick rundown on my main lifts for the weeks I haven’t posted:

|Week 1 4/2/18||
|Paused Spoto press|335x3|
|Front squat|275x2|
|Bench 185+doubled mini|8x3|
|Squat 165+doubled mini|6x2|
|Conv dead 225+mini+twist|6x2|

|Week 2 4/10/18||
|Dead stop pin press at chest|335x3|
|SS yoke bar squat|325x3|
|Bench 225+double mini|8x3|
|Conv dead 245+mini+double twist|6x2|
|Squat 205+doubled mini|6x2|

|Week 3 4/17/18||
|Military press|200x3|
|pause back squat|375x3|
|Bench 245+double mini|8X3|
|Conv dead 265+2 minis|6x2|
|Squat 225+doubled mini|6x2|

|Week 5 4/28/18||
|Dead stop pin press at chest|345x2|
|SS yoke bar squat|355x2|

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Good to hear you’re still at it; part of me was expecting to hear some injury horror story.

What’s this about relaxing the diet? I thought you were one of the few guys that was working to add weight for the challenge.

So, this happened…

I was looking at doing another powerlifting competition in 3 months or so, but a guy I know who competes at the highland games asked if I wanted to come train and he’d teach me to throw. It was a lot of fun and he’s talked me into competing in September (he really had to twist my arm). I’ve never thrown or done anything remotely close so I’m going to find out if you can teach an old dog new tricks. Threw for about 3 hours today and my right arm doesn’t feel as bad as I thought (the heavy weight for distance owned me), though we’ll see how it feels getting out of bed tomorrow.

Right now we are looking at just throwing once a week because of schedule but it looks like I have some new toys to collect so I can start training at my house.

I re-read the book “training lab” and am going to be doing lifting at least somewhat similar, probably just 3 days a week. Additionally, there are no weight classes and i’m under 200 pounds. The guy I’m throwing with is 3 inches taller and 60 pounds heavier. It is going to be fun to go into a competition not having to worry about a weight class, but I also should probably add a few pounds.

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Throwing at the highland games is a blast. I threw for a couple years, and I have never had more fun in an athletic competition. Don’t feel to bad about being a novice; you’ll climb the class ladder pretty quick.

So I did actually compete this weekend. I had gotten a message that the registration was full, so I just showed up and they let me have someone’s spot that didn’t show. Only thing I didn’t get a score in was caber, and I only got 1 practice with a caber before the competition. Had a blast and plan on keeping with it. I’d like to find some competitions with a lightweight class as I was the lightest guy there by 25 pounds. I also got invited to come out and train with a local pro which I absolutely am going to do.

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Which class did you end up competing in? Some games will have lighter weight divisions, but it depends on who’s running them.

Don’t feel too bad about having issues with caber. There really is no lift or movement that is comparable. You just have to practice. Same with sheaf, but it looks like you got that down from the video.

They only had open amateur. I would prefer doing lightweight but it was fun regardless. Sheaf is actually the one thing that feels the most natural for me. I cleared 18, 21 and 24 feet without a miss despite this being the first time I threw over anything. I’m by far worst at all the things where you have to move your feet. Caber and heavy for distance are the 2 I need work on the most. Though a lightweight class would help a lot in heavy weight. I can throw a 46 about one and a half times farther than the 56.

Heavy weight for distance was always my worst event. I could never get my foot placement correct during the spin. I always did well with sheaf, but my height was a definite contributor.

Yeah, I don’t exactly have the best vertical dimension either. The upside is that I really liked not having any sort of class. You just go and do your best and the best thrower wins. It uncomplicates the whole thing not to have weight or height adjustments. Everyone competing against you all has the same equipment with the same set up.