WARNING: Do Not Eat or Drink While Watching This Clip. Severe Choking Hazard.
- For men–shrinkage of testicles, growth of breast tissue, impotence
- For women–male pattern baldness, increased facial hair, increased risk for breast cancer and endometrial cancer, blood clots
- For youth–acne, early start of puberty, stunted growth
And a fabulous follow up video (even better)
What? at least the songs ok…
Wait, are you trying to say that he’s ugly or something?

Wow, I can’t believe this thread got tumbleweeds. does nobody here know El Steveo?

Here are some lovely quotes about his videos
[quote]SurgeFreak wrote:
Wow, I can’t believe this thread got tumbleweeds. does nobody here know El Steveo?
It took me a long time to realize that you posted a pic. Your avatar distracted me.
Hey look! It’s Elton! I was wondering what he was up to these days…
[quote]swissrugby67 wrote:
Hey look! It’s Elton! I was wondering what he was up to these days…