just to make absolutely SURE no none mistakes this is my view::::
Once beyond that here is a run cycle:
Tiger�??s DNP Journal
I wrote the following DNP Journal to share my results and experience with that component. Although I am a medical student, it did not stop me from thoroughly researching the implications of DNP. It has a reputation to be very efficient, but also very dangerous. My study field only helped me understand better the effects of DNP as I was researching it, in books and Internet. Preparing yourself is super important, and I did not botch that part.
In spite of its dangerous reputation, it didn�??t stop me. I read, read, read. Then asked around what was unclear. I compiled a list of supplements and helpful information, and did a daily plan of what to take and when. This journal sort of puts that together; hopefully you will find it helpful.
I�??d like to emphasize the fact that I am by no way an expert in this area. I have tried ECA, Clen and T3, as well as SesaPure, Glucorell and Thermorexin (all three together yielded no results at all). The first was the most successful, although still disappointing. Clen gave very little results (even though I was using Spiropent) and I was barely feeling any side effects @ 120mcg per day. I seem to have a very high tolerance to anabolics. This is why I was excited about DNP.
Preparation and planning
My stats at the beginning:
Weight | Height | %Bf
103kg | 1m86cm | 27
227lb | 6’0’’ | 27
I planned a 25 days cycle. Although I experienced high tolerance to anabolic in the past, I still opted for a slow beginning. First to let my body adapt, second to verify if I had an allergy to DNP. I had some Benadryl here ready to be taken if that was the case. My cycle was planned like this:
Day 1-3: 200mg
Day 4-25: 400mg (in two doses, 1 AM, 1 PM)
The idea behind a lower dose but longer cycle is that the side effects (lethargy for example) are not as present if at all present, and literature suggest it is the most productive way of taking DNP.
What I absolutely did not do during the cycle:
- Consume any amount of alcohol
- Stay in hot area for any long period of time
I drank from 4 to 6 liters of water per day, as well a vegetable juice (V8) in the amount of 500ml per day, approx.
I tried to keep an average isocaloric diet, with slightly higher carbs than the rest. I avoided very fat food (like fast food) in my everyday diet, but I did have some nonetheless (twice in fact).
Probably the most important part of all. Before starting I ordered and got everything I needed. The literature defers a lot in that area, so anything that was mentioned at least twice was included in my dietary supplementation.
Morning | Afternoon | Evening
400IU Vitamin E | 400IU Vitamin E | 400IU Vitamin E
1g Vitamin C | 1g Vitamin C | 1g Vitamin C
15ml Glycerol | 15ml Glycerol | 15ml Glycerol
ECA* | ECA* | ECA*
300mg Potassium | 300mg Potassium | 300mg Potassium
Gluconate | Gluconate | Gluconate
- 200mg Caffeine, 325mg Aspirin, 24mg Ephedrine
Everything was ordered on the net together except the Glycerol which was obtained in a pharmacy. The Glycerol was a bitch to take�?�it tastes like grade A shit. I found that 15ml of the stuff, dilated in about 50ml of something very sweet (Coke for example) is the easiest way to take it. Taking it alone or in water means puking. You have been warned.
I was suppose to add Pyruvate here but because USPS messed up and I got it way too late into my cycle and decided to go without it.
Day 1-3
Nothing to say�?� I took my supplements and just like any other anabolic, I didn�??t feel a thing with the 200mg of DNP. I had to start taking Benadryl a few days prior to starting the DNP cycle because of summer allergies�?� so I guess I will never know if I was allergic to DNP.
I�??ve been drinking around 4,5L of water per day, as well as around 1L of Ice Tea, and 500ml of V8. That is around of 6L of liquid alone, and coupled with the Glycerol�?� well, I literally pee every 15 minutes, and my urine is crystal clear, which means I�??m urinating only excess water. I forgot to take my Glycerol on the evening of day 3 and noticed it affected my hydration level a lot: my pee took back its usual pale yellowish color the next morning and I no longer had to go pee every 20 minutes. This shows the importance of the Glycerol, and that in spite of its awful taste, it works well.
Day 4
It was my first day @ 400mg and I was expecting excessive sweating: in vain. There was definitely something happening though. I could feel my body working at a higher pace. My stomach growled all day: I didn�??t feel at all that hungry. For example, here is what I ate:
1x bowl of Special K w/ Dark Chocolate bits cereal. 1x small glass of orange juice
White rice with chicken in plum sauce with other vegetables. Enough that I was full.
Afternoon snack:
Special K chocolate cereal bar
Homemade cheeseburger burger with homemade French fries.
I couldn�??t tell how much calories this was, but it�??s about the same intake every day, and I did not specifically increased it for the DNP cycle duration. I suppose ECA helped appetite suppression. In any case, I felt no lethargy. A little bit of sweating perhaps. The weather has been exceptionally cold since I started (18C-24C outside) but I have an A/C unit with a fan here once temperatures go up again.
As for my sleep, I have not needed any Melatonin at all, I sleep just fine.
Day 5
I was curious this morning to see if I had lost anything so far. I know the first three days on DNP are slow, while carbs are being depleted and I�??m on a relatively low dose anyway. So after I woke up, had my morning visit to the bathroom, I undressed and stepped on the scale: I couldn�??t believe it.
101.4kg , 25% Bf. That�??s already almost a 2kg loss and 2% BF loss in 4 days�?� I still can�??t believe it, it�??s actually 1lb/per day as the legend tells, and I haven�??t felt any of the bad side effects yet. Hopefully I didn�??t jinx myself and it will stay so effective knock on wood.
It�??s now 4 :51PM and OH MY GOD. I ate my lunch at 14h00 today since I woke up early and I started sweating a lot about 45min after I ate. And I had to take a nap because I got so tired �?� after the nap I was still sweating but I wasn�??t tired anymore. I did jinxed myself�?� whatever
Day 6
I have tried to drink more water today, and it did help. I felt less lethargy, in fact almost none at all, after my lunch. I keep a fan blowing on me while I work to stay comfortable. I keep taking my temperature every 2 hours �?? but I think my thermometer is of the el-cheapo brand. It says my temp is 36.1C which would suggest hypothermia. I�??m definitely not in a hypothermia state!
Something I haven�??t mentioned yet: DNP cycles will benefit from eating carbs, lots of carbs. They are the activating factor. But the literature suggests you benefit more from simple carbs than complex ones. Hence, during the week, I eat the best simple carb source: fruits. They�??re healthy and good for the DNP cycle.
During the week-end, I eat candies and chocolate �?? another source of simple carbs. It feels weird because they hold a lot of calories and seem to go against the purpose of doing a DNP cycle, which is losing weight. But if I don�??t allow myself to eat some chocolate or sweets, I�??m afraid I�??ll develop a strong craving for it, which wouldn�??t do me any good. So eating fruits during the week, and candies during the week-end, brings some sort of balance to my appetite and cravings and is fruitful to my DNP cycle.
19h27 �??
The lethargy and sweating hit me about 2 hours ago. (Had lunch at 15h30 approx). I napped for an hour and after I woke up I had to put the A/C on, although room temperature is only 24.7C. I just feel warm and not too well.
Holy Batman ! The sweating have been constant since my 2nd 200mg dose this afternoon. Since I had been fairly resistant to T3, Clen and ECA, I would have thought the sweating would stay as they were at day 4 and 5, even though the literature said it could take 6-7 days for the sides to really kick in.
Lethargy is no longer present at all. It seems to really hit me for an hour only, about one hour I ingest my 2nd 200mg dose. But I guess the sweating I now feel (I actually don�??t sweat a lot. In fact, when I was at my most athletic about 3 years ago with 4 Volleyball practices a week and 3 times at the gym, I never sweated a lot. I never even sweat a lot even when my pulse is in the 130 and I�??m doing extensive cardio. I�??m just really sticky and wet all over my body, but I�??m not actually dripping.
In fact, it�??s how I feel after a long cardio session. That tells me DNP is working.) will be like this for the whole cycle. I have turned on the A/C and plan to keep it on at nights. With the A/C on and a fan, I�??m comfortable. I even just finished cleaning the whole apartment! As I said, no lethargy.
Also great is that I am able to greatly concentrate to revise for my exams. I was afraid DNP would come in the way. It�??s not affecting my ability to work or do my usual daily activities. But as I said, A/C is absolutely required.
Finally, I really need to eat as soon as I�??m a bit hungry, otherwise I start feeling very weak and tired. Nuts, fruits and water are always available to me. I guess with the ECA enhancing the DNP�??s effects, it is to be expected.
Day 8
Yesterday the sweating started right after the first dose for the first time since I began the cycle, which wasn�??t that surprising at all. They have not increased and are as described on day 6. The biggest problem is insomnia. I haven�??t figured yet how to set the A/C all night at a comfortable setting. It�??s loud and too cold, so I find myself being under the drapes for 1 hour, them I�??m too hot and go on top, rinse, repeat. I took one 3mg Melatonin capsule the last two days before bed, and although it helped me to go o sleep the first time, if I wake up during the night (which I did both nights, often) its effects are already gone.
I can only imagine how uncomfortable one must feel on a 600mg dose �?? my god. I feel quite tired today, but possibly due more to the bad sleep I got (in fact almost none at all) the past two nights than lethargy caused by DNP. During the day while I study or work with A/C and a fan on me there is no real discomfort. I am sticky sure, but it�??s nothing as bad as some people described (dripping on the floor for example).
I just hope I can find a way to sleep comfortably soon, because I will otherwise not be able to stick to my plan and go another 17 days without sleep. Quite unfortunate, since any other side effects are more than tolerable.
Day 10
Lethargy hasn�??t been a problem at all since the sweating has been constant from morning to evening. Whether this is because my body adapted or something else I could not say �?? I haven�??t changed supplementation at all.
This morning I was alarmed because the scale still showed 101kg/25% bf. However I noticed augmentation in water retention. According to the scale, I�??ve had an increase of 3,5% in water retention, which equals to about 3kg more of additional water being held than normally. This should clear out within 7 days after the cycle ended.
Day 14
I�??ve passed the half cycle mark, and I have not felt any lethargy since day 6. Although I do not officially weight myself except every 5 days (tomorrow will be noted down), I have noted a dramatic increase in fat loss effect for the past 3-4 days. The only possible explanation: T3 has been fully used and depleted in my body. This means enhanced effects, but bad for liver for the next 11 days or so., which is why I would be VERY reluctant to do more than 25 days.
Just for the heck of it I weighted myself after dinner. Since I passed the last 3 days away visiting family, and had forgotten my glycerol, I did not take it for three whole days. Result: scale indicated a 22% BF (5% drop since beginning of cycle) and water level of 58% (a 8% increase than usual, ~50% on normal days). This means I�??m holding about 8kg of extra water at the moment. The fact T3 depleted and I missed taking glycerol for three days (a very important component to hydration) possibly explains this drastic change.
Since the scale indicated 103KG, and I had just eaten dinner (and was dressed), I estimate the scale tomorrow morning will indicate something around 100KG with a 55% water level (5kg of water), which would mean at day 15 I�??d have lost around 8KG in fat (around 17.6lbs), which is close to the �??�??advertised�??�?? 1lbs-1.5lbs fat loss per day. Not so surprising since I am taking an ECA stack with the DNP.
So is it working? Apparently, it is. Is it worth it? So far I am inclined to say so. I have felt no lethargy at all, but the sweating is constant and immensely annoying. Since you sweat all day (and I am not one to sweat a lot, those who could actually water plants after 45min of cardio will hate DNP for that) it is just very uncomfortable. A/C is for me an absolute necessity: with a fan blowing on my pores I will not be as wet (if at all) but will feel warm nonetheless. As soon as I get outside, or I�??m at University studying, you can actually feel the sweat sliding down your back �?? a very annoying side effect. It is important to mention, although you feel warm, it doesn�??t actually mean you have fever. I take my temperature every 6 hours and have never been above 37,4C even though I felt I was standing on an erupting volcano. If you do experience fever, you must stop taking DNP immediately until fever is gone.
All side effect(s) aside, needless to say, I�??m looking forward end results after this cycle
Day 21
Lack of updates because I was too busy. Because I had started to feel less and less sweating and curious at seeing the effects, I added a 200mg dose in the evening to bring the total dosage to 600mg. I did sweat a lot more during my sleep, but A/C and a fan, I just stayed on top of the covers and it was ok. I noticed I sleep better on my side, because if I lie on my back, I�??m guaranteed to wake up in a very wet bed the next morning.
Day 22
Since there is only 3 days left to my cycle I decided to keep up the 600mg and see where it leads me�?�
Day 23
Ok, no lethargy, more sweating for sure. I have neglected my glycerol a lot in the past 10 days, sometimes forgetting it 2 times out of 3, and I�??ve noticed the DNP to be less effective. I suspect my DNP to be either a little under dosed, or I don�??t eat enough carbs (I try to eat a lot of fruits for simple carbs ).
I�??m anxious to see results at the end of the cycle.
Day 25
Yesterday was my last day because I got food poisoning and threw up a few times during the night my dinner. It was actually pasta from a very good restaurant, but I was not aware they were 2 days from closing for 1 month summer vacation: I properly got some old sauce or something. Anyway since I was already pretty dehydrated after the throwing up and weak, I stopped the cycle one day short. Would have been the stupidest thing ever to take DNP after being sick. I pondered about the idea of maybe if it was the DNP that made me sick, but my symptoms were really of food poisoning. I re-hydrated myself slowly, re-balanced electrolytes and one day later I was back to normal.
I will wait around a week before releasing the journal, I need to give my body time to stabilize and water retention to become normal again.
5 days post-cycle
My stats post-cycle:
Weight | Height | %Bf
94.4kg | 1m86cm| 23
208lbs | 6’0’’ | 23
My BF has settled at 23% and my weight at around 95KG. I am a bit disappointed, but not entirely. I mean towards the end I didn�??t watch what I ate carefully, I pretty mucha te anything I wanted and try to eat as much simple carbs from fruits as possible.
I�??ve lost 8KG which is around 18lbs in 24 days, which turns out to be around 0.75lbs of fat loss per day. My BF is still high though, I�??m surprised I didn�??t lose more than that, but again �?? my scale was only 100EUR so it�??s not actually the most accurate tool.
Can I say my DNP cycle was worth it ? Absolutely. 18 pounds in 24 days is still impressive (even if not on part with the 1lb/day legend).
A resume of my side effects:
- Sweating
- Partial Insomnia
That�??s it. I want to say something about insomnia. I did sleep, but never very deep and well. This past week I have had marvelous nights of sleep, in fact one night I was so deep asleep that the three alarms I had set never woke me, as well as my friend who called me on my phone, and as well as the mailman who rang at my door to try and deliver a package. Usually the buzzer makes me jump because it�??s so loud�?� I was never that hard asleep in my entire life. If you are familiar with sleep cycles, there is a light, medium and deep level for every cycle, and each cycle renders particular brain functions. The deepest level is what allows maximum resting and is when we dream the most.
During the night you go through a few of those cycles. I believe the DNP kept me from ever reaching the deep level of all my sleep cycles (if not all many) because of the sweating and the high metabolic activity (reaching the deepest level requires a particular heartbeat and metabolic speed). It really showed post cycle �?�.
I felt no lethargy except the first days. Sweating was by far the most annoying factor. I am not one to sweat a lot, and since it was revision time, I was almost at home in the A/C in a cold room, so I didn�??t sweat. But as soon as I got out, it would start. Nights were also annoying since you can never sleep fully well, but I never felt exhausted nor tired, just not over the top relaxed like when you had one of those amazing night sleep.
People are afraid of DNP because they don�??t understand. There is no physical possibility for DNP to kill you by its mechanism alone, rather the side effect it creates which is severe dehydration because of it intervenes directly within the mitochondria�??s Krebs cycle of ATP production (google NA/k ATPase or Krebs cycle to understand more how it works) rather than through hormonal messages like ECA or Clen works. Therefore, if you�??re not an idiot and are aware of the extreme importance of hydrating (through liquid glycerol or glycerol effervescent tablets (used in patients recuperating from severe dehydration after severe diarrhea for example)) and avoid diuretics there is no real danger.
The only real danger is idiocy or a severe overdose. Both factors are dangerous for many other anabolic or drug. I have to say after having using it; I don�??t understand the paranoia behind it.
Finally because I do yearly clinical immersion for weeks, I had a blood test made post cycle, and everything looked OK.
My next cycle
Because of T3 depletion, the liver has it at its hardest. I am no expert in anabolics or steroids but since I am a medical student I do know how the naturally produced hormones affect the body. Although T3 suppression for a short while (in my case around 12 days) will not kill the thyroid gland nor put me in a state of hypothyroidism, the fact the body doesn�??t have T4 or T3 for a while (T3 is the physiology active hormone) affects some organs (nothing extreme). I will leave at least 30 days before my next cycle, and after 10 days my thyroid functions should have returned to normal.
Meanwhile I need to analyze what I did wrong and try to be more efficient�?� perhaps a 14 days cycle this time, with day 1-2 on 400mg, then days 3-14 on 600mg. Since I didn�??t sweat more with 400 vs 600 (I just sweat longer during the night) I could minimize the annoyance of having 24 days of sweating and supplement taking. Besides, it�??s easier to stay on the carb plan and remain disciplined for 14 days then 24 days!
Here is the most constructive responses:
“Very good post
I think this is the bigest people make when running DNP, not enough carbs and if they do from shit sources.”
“Is that because fat burns better when you have sugar in your blood?”
"It’s the other way around… Glyconegenosis burns fat to up your glycemia when you don’t eat enough carbs , which is the whole center of the Atkins regime idea.
However, DNP action mecanism, if I understand it correctly, inhibits Glycolysis forcing the Mithochondria (center of Krebs’ Cycle) to use its stored Glycogen for 100% of the ATP cycle , hence why the weigh loss is so important (Glycogen (triple fat acids molecules basically) has about 150 times more kcal per g than carbs metabolized into sugar.)
However, my 2nd cycle was also a disaster relatively speaking, for the exact same reason zkcasper mentionned. I ran a 10 days 600mg cycle rather than 24 days on 400mg, but due to very bad eating habbits, I lost around 3lbs only…"
Hope it helps.