Discus Thrower on Squat Problem

iam discsu thrower . iam 90 kg weight doing did fullsquat this season with 210 kg but recently i find out my one problem . hwen i going down i shift toward right leg as bending on right leg when at down and not getting enought feelinf form left . how can i correct this ? please help me

Hi Rossi,

When i was competing in Olympic Lifting in the 70’s we had a javlin thrower who would come into our gym and clean, squat etc and I remember him having the exact same problem. If I remember right he got rid of this with doing single leg dumbell squats with the other leg and a lot more stretching on his glutes and hip rotator muscles.

He also kept his squats light enough to keep him away from moving into this position. He had his coach watch him as he did back and front squats. I don’t think he had the same problem with his front squats. Hope this helps in anyway.


Andy’s advice is sound!


Hello Andy
Thank you very very much for your suggestions.

Hi Rossi,

Let me know if this works for you. Remember it takes time to adapt to this and improve the efficiency of the movement. So don’t rush it.
