Discretion and Responsibility

Hi I am a visitor to this web site and forum
There are some posts below addressing the dissemination of information on sources and methods. I believe, with some confidence, that the relevant branches of the government are not incredibly interested in bodybuilder type people. That is only the case so long as you people stay responsible and especially stay out of doing things with kids and with recreational drugs. I mean why should the government waste time and money finding responsible citizens who abuse cow implants to make themselves stronger and harder workers when there are kids getting whacked on Meth made in California bathtubs. Smuggling anabolics into the country is an ENTIRELY different story. Government time is better spent ridding the streets of irresponsible worthless crime slime than of some people using drugs with little ACUTE potential for harm. Naturally, when something you do is somewhat underground, you should disseminate all information carefully and with discretion. However, my advice to you folks is to remain responsible with your use and I believe you will have your legal troubles down to a minimum (but still a factor).