Hi -
I’m looking for some resources on a good cutting plan that will help maintain my gains from my bulk. I don’t have a boat load of fat to lose but would like to drop from about (estimated) 15-20% BF to 10-12% BF. Overall, I probably need to lose 10-15 pounds of fat. I’d like to do it fairly quickly but correctly and within reason. The V-Diet looks good, but too intense, and ultimately too pricey for me.
This will be my first official bulk to cut transition so I am new to this. I have nice muscle gains that I don’t want to lose (or at least minimze)…
Obviously there are a million sources on the interwebz, but too overwhelming and half the people (actually probably closer to most) are pushing for product sales or subscriptions.
I was hoping a TNation member could offer some suggestions on some good resources with relativity specific diet plans / advice who has actually had success with the aforementioned resources…
If I get flamed, sorry… but if you don’t mind providing a couple links if you have a second, I 'd really appreciate it.
[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
I was hoping a TNation member could offer some suggestions on some good resources with relativity specific diet plans / advice who has actually had success with the aforementioned resources…
If I get flamed, sorry… but if you don’t mind providing a couple links if you have a second, I 'd really appreciate it. [/quote]
TN mods delete links to websites they consider competitors, which presumably would include any that offer diet-related services/advice. That being said, there is no shortage of good (and free) diet info here on TN, as well as people who would be happy to discuss that info with you.
The transformation pics you put up in your first post are really impressive. You might want to put up at least a current picture here so people will immediately know where you are at. Picture worth 1,000 words.
This isn’t specific advice, but one thing that helped me when I was starting out was weighing everything, and logging all my food into a log at fitday.com. I was in a different situation as a female who had never lifted before, so I was really simple about it and just tried to make sure I was hitting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of BW. You’ll want to be more exact. 
Some of the men will be a lot more knowledgeable about what to do in terms of macros and calories for your current condition, height, and weight.
Best of luck!
One other thing! Reading John Berardi articles really helped me. I already knew how to “not be fat”, but trying to build muscle is a whole different beast!
You can search this site for him. Specifically you could look at his Get Shredded Diet. I’m not sure if that is the right thing for you at this point, but there’s a lot of good information. There are links here on Tnation to his website Precision Nutrition, which also has a lot of good articles on nutrition, so I think it’s fine to mention it here.
Also, I had a friend who had been a body builder write a basic nutrition program for me as a beginner. I was a runner and had healthful eating habits, but she helped me add protein and got me to start eating more. Finding someone who is more advanced but has a similar height and frame as you, then using them as a mentor to do what they are doing is another approach.
[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
The transformation pics you put up in your first post are really impressive. You might want to put up at least a current picture here so people will immediately know where you are at. Picture worth 1,000 words.
^^^^I had to search them out after reading this.
Great job OP!, an awesome transformation. I hope you don’t think me rude to comment, but I can’t believe you have no loose skin after a weight loss of that magnitude, you are lucky. You don’t look like you’ve ever been big.
You should definitely link to your pics.
I can’t help with diet advice I’m afraid, but just wanted to say well done.