What did you do to globalize yourself today? Did you learn Spanish, since Spanish will be the main language of this country by 2050 or so?
Did you act to protect the rights of illegal immigrants?
Do you urge your local gov’t to put a PA system for the call to prayer? What better use for your tax dollars than to have to listen to screeching Arabic?
Did you support legislation to help Central American gang members adapt to life in America?
If you answered ‘No’ to any of the above, you are a rascist and just another arrogant American!!!
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
If you answered ‘No’ to any of the above, you are a rascist and just another arrogant American!!![/quote]
Yet another trollish thread by HH…
It’s your right to defend your culture and nobody will call you racist for doing that. However, denying others the privileges enjoyed by “white folks”, will probably earn you the title.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
What did you do to globalize yourself today? Did you learn Spanish, since Spanish will be the main language of this country by 2050 or so?
Who in this country is learning Spanish? Ingles es lingua franca.
We better start informing the rest of the world to start learning Spanish too then…this is just the stupidest thread ever.
Headhunter wrote:
What did you do to globalize yourself today? Did you learn Spanish, since Spanish will be the main language of this country by 2050 or so?
Who in this country is learning Spanish? Ingles es lingua franca.
We better start informing the rest of the world to start learning Spanish too then…this is just the stupidest thread ever.[/quote]
Teddy Kennedy changes the immigration laws in ‘65 to change the make-up of this country, figuring that Latino voters will give his party ‘The Power’ for the next 200 years. Kind of like how Johnson did it AT THE SAME TIME — remember his "I’ll have them niggers votin’ Democrat for the next 200 years!" — in 1965.
Democrats are the most rascist bunch on the planet.
Headhunter wrote:
Democrats are the most rascist bunch on the planet.
Yeah, thats what dipshits like you believe.
You’re a moron if you think this country is going to start speaking Spanish when THE FUCKING ENTIRE WORLD IS SPEAKING ENGLISH.
LOL! There are certain parts of inner-city Cleveland I recommend you avoid, if you think this. You would simply not be understood. You’d be robbed but you would not be understood.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
LOL! There are certain parts of inner-city Cleveland I recommend you avoid, if you think this. You would simply not be understood. You’d be robbed but you would not be understood.
Gee, I’m not familiar at all with the inner-city…preach it white boy!
My wife happens to work at a non-profit that deals with immigrants that is in the main Spanish speaking part of the Twin Cities. Guess what? They speak English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali there too. Should we be threatened by that?
I rank HH’s globalization theories right up there with the ones that the martians took Elvis and George Bush personally planted the explosives that brought down the twin towers
Headhunter wrote:
LOL! There are certain parts of inner-city Cleveland I recommend you avoid, if you think this. You would simply not be understood. You’d be robbed but you would not be understood.
Gee, I’m not familiar at all with the inner-city…preach it white boy!
My wife happens to work at a non-profit that deals with immigrants that is in the main Spanish speaking part of the Twin Cities. Guess what? They speak English, Spanish, Hmong, and Somali there too. Should we be threatened by that?
If this doesn’t immediately tell you that this HeadHunter is a troll… then what does?
Oh and BTW: The world speaks English. English is THE International language of business. But I guess you wouldn’t know that would you? All you have are theories. Crap mostly. (see the hamster comment earlier).
[quote]unbending wrote:
If this doesn’t immediately tell you that this HeadHunter is a troll… then what does?
Oh and BTW: The world speaks English. English is THE International language of business. But I guess you wouldn’t know that would you? All you have are theories. Crap mostly. (see the hamster comment earlier).[/quote]
See, you are an arrogant American. Far more people speak Mandarin or Hindi.
I met high school kids in China who probably speak and write English better than do you.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
See, you are an arrogant American. Far more people speak Mandarin or Hindi. [/quote]
I’m Canadian.
And I said English is THE International language of business. Therefore very important and universal. I don’t care if there’s a billion people that speak Hindi in India. A quarter of them speak English anyway.
“It is estimated that over 1 billion people are currently learning English world wide. According to the British council, as of the year 2,000 there were 750 million English as a Foreign language speakers. In addition, there were 375 million English as a Second Language speakers. The difference between the two groups amounts to English as a Foreign Language speakers using English occasionally for business or pleasure, while English as a Second Language speakers use English on a daily basis.”
And that’s not taking into account the people who have English as a mother-tongue.
I met high school kids in China who probably speak and write English better than do you.[/quote]
Too bad they don’t have a T-Nation account (and a PC and a good income & living) and you do.
Well, you didn’t answer any of the original questions, so why are you posting? Did you globalize today?
And how does English being used in business mean it becomes the predominant language in a country? Like Hindi is replaced by English? Like Mandararin or Cantonese is replaced by English?
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Well, you didn’t answer any of the original questions, so why are you posting? Did you globalize today?[/quote]
Yes. I did globalize. I spoke English.
And how does English being used in business mean it becomes the predominant language in a country? Like Hindi is replaced by English? Like Mandarin or Cantonese is replaced by English?
Who said its being replaced? Its being added. You can’t wipe out a language just like that.
Spanish will NEVER, EVER replace English. Not in the USA, not in Canada, not in England. Not anywhere where it is a National Language.
Worst case scenario is that Spanish is going to be like the second National Language in the USA. Like we have French here in Canada as the second.
Its a joke though. Few of us outside of Quebec (the Francophone Province) speak French, and most of them speak English anyway.