Body composition wise he is doing fucking amazing if you ask me, however as I stated above diet shouldn’t be based on body composition alone but on general health and wellbeing as well.
Most of us that decided to jump on the TRT train are looking for optimisation and if I’m injecting myself everyday I sure as hell will make sure that diet and training are optimal as well.
Dexter is one of the most knowledgable members in here and never talks bullshit. He helped me a lot when I started TRT and the least I could do is tell him straight up when I think there’s something he could optimise. I’m sure he won’t take it as disrespect.
Also you should give avocados another try. It’s a very versatile fruit and you can make vegan mayo out of it or even bake brownies with it and it will turn into a very tasty brown turd lol. You can mask the taste easily and get the health benefits as well.
Avocados have to be one of my very favorite foods. I’ve also taken to cooking with avocado oil over olive in many cases as it has a higher smoke point.
As for what Dexter eats, IDGAF, but the diet @aliel is recommending is essentially a Mediterranean diet. If one wanted to be evidence-based in their dietary selection, then all evidence points to that diet being superior to all others for purposes of longevity and cardiovascular health/performance.
I’ve had avocados on multiple continents, I’ve had varieties only locally available and prized by people that can’t believe anyone would settle for a Haas. My wife loves them, they remain to me a green turd. They don’t turn my stomach like bananas, but they are pinch my nose and swallow if I have to item. And I do not consider myself a picky eater, I enjoyed bat soup among other things.
What? Bananas are nasty dude. I have hated them since birth. The smell, the texture, the taste. Eghhh. Ackk. Nasty. I’m am not a fruit guy by any means, and the softer ones are the grossest.
Never. Now that I’m much leaner I’m definitely taking food & training more seriously. My girl just said “you don’t need to lose any more weight” literally 5 mins ago so I’ve got to make sure as I’m gaining I’m more cognizant of what I’m taking in and how it’s effecting me.
One of the main reasons I eat the way I do is that I can cook 25 lbs of pork at once and eat that for 10 days. I just hate taking the time to cook. I rarely stand in one spot for very long.
I don’t think so. B12 is very important and keeping levels up there will help with all kinds of things (at least it has for me).
On another note, there’s evidence coming out that many folks that have the worst symptoms with Covid also have low Vitamin D levels. Those with higher levels having no symptoms. If you needed another reason to supplement Vitamin D then you have one.
I agree with your assessment of avacado. I just can’t seem to make myself like them no matter how hard I try. I use the next best thing for good healthy fats…avacado oil for cooking my eggs and meats. Get the benefit but not the nasty ass texture!
I think what he was trying to say about @dextermorgan’s diet is that it’s very unhealthy overall. TRT already increases the lipid profile, and the sat fat in pork is just asking for trouble over time. LDL is a silent killer, and a mostly pork based diet will bite you in the ass hard after a few years.
A salad probably wouldn’t kill him. TRT has not made any impact at all on my cholesterol, although I see other people reporting that it does. I wonder how much of that is how much they change their lives after starting TRT?
Good to know. I’ve just started taking D3 4000iu, @j.lee pointed out I wasn’t taking enough. I feel as though it’s definitely helping me. I have been feeling much better since taking it but I think that’s mostly down to the primo.
I can honestly say that I haven’t seen much impact on lipids myself over the last year, but I have read studies studies that show that it does.
Maybe you’re right and we haven’t seen an impact because we have made drastic changes along with TRT to get our health in order? Not sure.
It’s highly possible that the changes I made has offset the effect that TRT would normally have had. Who knows? I can say from my personal experience that if I don’t keep my diet in order, it will negatively effect lipids in a much bigger way. Is that because I’m older now, or because I’ve been on TRT for over a year? I honestly couldn’t say.
Case in point…
When the whole Covid shutdown thing came to Montana, and all the gyms closed, and it was such a hassle to get in and out of our grocery stores to get the normal weekly vittles… I found myself eating more and more loosely than I normally would. Not all out “not give a shit”, but really more cheating than I would normally allow myself. That, along with no gym time for 5 weeks, made a significant impact on my current lipids. I did blood draws 2 weeks ago and I was shocked by how off normal my LDL numbers were.
I’ll be posting those bloods next week after my consult with Dr Saya in my log.
I will sneak into the thread. Yesterday I had blood work and LDL has dropped from 2.6 to 2.4, trigleceridi from 0.5 to 0.4 and HDL increased from 1.3 to 1.5 since last test.
Usually every time I was checking cholesterols the last two years I havent had so good values. I had two possible explanations:
1)Six months on TRT affected it well
2)3-4 months ago started krill oil and sunflower lecithin
Another very interesting thing is my FT3 has increased to 3.68. Every other time Ive checked it the last two and a half years it was 2.7-2.9
The last month my diet is total crap, just for the record
It almost seems to me that there is usually a “tipping point” when you get to a certain age. Things become much more critical, and how far you tip correlates with how well you made your choices during the younger stage.
There was a time not so long ago where I would have laughed if you told me I needed to keep an eye on cholesterols. Wish I would’ve listened then and maybe it wouldn’t be such a pain in the ass to control now.