I posted back in October soliciting advice for a first cycle. The time has finally come to get down to work. However, after reading through Prisoner’s taper protocol again and hearing a couple of you wish that you had done a stasis/taper your first cycle, I’m thinking I’m going to go that route instead of the standard SERM only PCT. I’m 22, so I don’t anticipate problems with my HPTA bouncing back, but would like to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Just to be completely sure I read everything correctly, here’s what I’m looking at:
12 Week Cycle:
1 - 12: Test E - 250 mg E3.5D [first injection frontloaded with 750 mg]
1 - 4: DBol - 25 mg ED [taken 30 min. pre-workout] (depending on how I feel with 25, I may try bumping it to 50 mg/day)
7 - 12: Anavar - 50 mg ED
1 - 12: Adex - .25 mg ED [adjusted to sides]
3 - 12: 250 iu hCG E3.5D
14 - 17: Test E - 50 mg E3.5D
13 - 14: taper Adex down to nothing
18: Test E - 40 mg E3.5D, 20 mg Nolva ED
19: Test E - 30 mg E3.5D, 20 mg Nolva ED
20: Test E - 20 mg E3.5D, 10 mg Nolva ED
21: Test E - 10 mg E3.5D, 10 mg Nolva ED
Liver Support:
2400mg NAC/600 mg ALA ED [while taking orals]
Two questions:
Given that hCG and a stasis/taper are being used, is there any compelling reason to not extend the cycle to 12 weeks?
I have a bunch of Anavar that I’m antsy to try, but I’ve read mixed reviews about whether it will contribute anything to a first cycle. I was thinking of sticking in 50 mg/day for a few weeks at the end. I know it has been discussed, but if you have a strong opinion either way, I’d love to hear it.