Dave New Cycle D-bol, Tren, Test

I’m no powerlifter, but you’re right, my bench technique could definitely be better, it’s something I’ll have to work on.

Some people have been telling me that all my videos are upper body apart for one and that I hadly ever show legs or calves… I must admit it’s true, I’ve really been slacking off on legs and calves these last few months. Today was my leg day so I made this short workout video of it with emphasis on the calves…Now that I really see what they look like in this video, I can compare them in a few months to see some progress unless I go back to being a lazy bastard and not work them out as I should!

One last thing, I’ve been getting those dbol lower back pumps since last week, and I mean some freakin’ epic ones too! So maybe some of you guys can help me out with this. I was taking 4 dbols a day, down to 3 now since a few days ago, I tried taurine in the past and it did nothing, I always try to drink plenty of water, I take a mineral supplement everyday (zinc, magnesium, calcium and vitamin D in it) I don’t know what to do, it’s really starting to annoy me, like today during legs, I had to sit down between every set cuz the pump was insane!

Yeah, I have to lay down and do some back stretching… like bring your legs up to perpindecular to the ground with your knees bent, lay them over to one side while stretching the opposite arm out and keeping it on the ground. And then do it for the other side. I find this helps almost immediately remove some of that horrible pump.

I’ve been quiet for awhile and for good reasons. About two weeks ago I was caught with serious convulsions, all of a sudden I lost control of my arms and legs and then fell really hard on my kitchen floor. Then I got really scared because it moved to my lungs and I couldn’t breathe for a very long 20 seconds at least. Thought I was gonna die right there but then I started thinking that there’s no way in hell that im gonna die on my freakin’ kitchen floor like an idiot! lol

So I gave it all I had and squeezed my abs as hard as I could to gain back control and eventually I finally managed to catch a breath. I wouldn’t have lasted long if I didnt finally catch my breath again right there, came damn close! It settled down eventually and after I went to the emergency. They did a scan and mri of my head and found a brain tumor! The doc said I could’ve had it for 10 years, who knows how long…And it turns out that it’s inoperable because the risk of paralysis is too great.

So after a couple of days at the hospital they finally let me go back home and now withing the next 10 days I’ll have to go back for a biopsy and then they’ll know for sure what kind of meds to put me on. That’s gonna be interesting, drilling a hole in my brain while I’m awake! lol As you can guess, I stopped my cycle very abruptly and I just started my pct.

It really pisses me off I was as strong as a horse, I was so damn close to doing 500 again and now all of a sudden I’ve lost it all. But don’t worry about me, not the first time I had a brush with death! I’m unkillable! lol I don’t know when exactly, but I’ll be back! That I can garantee!

Wow, I’m so sorry to hear man. Best of luck to you

You’re in my thoughts, man.

Take care of yourself now a live to lift another day my friend

Take care

Thanx for the happy thoughts guys, I’m gonna need em!

I’ve just got back from the hospital, the biopsy went really good. My head hurts alot but I’m in pretty good shape overall. It was quite the experience, they keep you fully conscious and when that drill starts digging in your skull, it shakes so bad inside, it feels like your teeth are gonna fall out! But it all went smoothly, I was as calm as a Hindu cow the whole time. They then inserted a small titanium plate and stitched it up. Now I have to wait a week for results and some more tests.

I’m going for some more tests tomorrow and then I should start the radiotherapy and chemo in 2-3 weeks. I’ve been diagnosed with an anaplastic astrocytoma grade 3…They say I have 2-5 years left, watch me beat those numbers and post some new videos as soon as I can! I might be hurt, but I’m not dead yet!

[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
I’m going for some more tests tomorrow and then I should start the radiotherapy and chemo in 2-3 weeks. I’ve been diagnosed with an anaplastic astrocytoma grade 3…They say I have 2-5 years left, watch me beat those numbers and post some new videos as soon as I can! I might be hurt, but I’m not dead yet![/quote]

He’ll yeah D, that’s the kinda attitude that makes good people great. I wanna see some vids soon buddy!