Darkhorse log

6/29/24: 1100am workout

Week 3 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders

Db incline press:
4x10 w/100s

Smith incline press:
work up to a ‘hard’ 10
10x 220lbs (actual weight)

Chest press machine:
8x 215 stack
45 sec rest
7x same
45 sec rest
7x same
45 sec rest
6x same

Cable flyes:
3x8 w/pause & squeeze on each rep

Face pulls:

Db shoulder press:
3x8 w/75s

Tricep cable pushdowns:

KB skullcrushers:
2x12 w/16kg KB in each hand

everything felt really strong and explosive today . . had a 16 ounce porterhouse, 4 eggs and a slice of sourdough with guacamole for breakfast . . scoop of Surge intraworkout . . then postworkout was 16 ounces of fairlife chocolate milk and 2 scoops of whey isolate . . on a separate note I won’t be buying fairlife anymore as I just noticed today that it contains carrageenan and sucralose, bummer


6/30/24: 1100am workout

Week 3 Creeping Death 2 - Legs

Lying leg curls:
4x8 w/140 stack and 15 sec hold on last rep of each set

Hack squat:
5x6 w/320lbs added . . all reps were paused . . went to a different gym today so didn’t get to use the front squat machine that I had been using

8x 95s
8x 110s
8x 125s

Standing calf raises:
4x8 w/225lbs

short session but effective . . local grocery store had a great sale this weekend on choice grade porterhouse steaks, 6.99/lb so I bought 25 and vacuum packed and froze some


7/2/24: 500am workout

Week 3 Creeping Death 2 - Back Pump

Wide lat pulldown:
10x 190 stack
2x10 180 stack
10x 170 stack

Straight arm pushdown:
4x8 w/140 stack
supersetted w/
Close grip seated cable row:
4x8 w/160 stack . . great lat pump here

Hammer strength chest-supported row:
4x12 w/250lbs added

Preacher concentration curls:
4x8 w/27.5 Dbs

Incline Db curls:
3x12 w/15s

glad I got to the gym at 5 because when I left a little after 6 it was starting to fill up . . had a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . a pint of chocolate milk postworkout . . then about 2 hours later I had 4 eggs, about 4 ounces of steak and a large blueberry pancake made with oat flour . . got more steak for lunch, a couple chicken thighs and some jasmine rice


7/3/24: 430pm workout

Week 3 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders Pump

Slight decline DB press:
10x 115s
3x8 w/115s

Weighted Dips:
12x +125lbs
10x +125lbs
2x8 +125lbs
supersetted w/
Cable flyes (lo to high):

Db lateral raises:
2x12 w/25s
2x12 w/20s
supersetted w/
Face pulls:

Cable pushdowns:
4x8 w/150 stack

Seated overhead cable extensions:
3x12 w/130 stack

full day of eating includes 4 eggs and an 8 ounce ham steak for breakfast . . a 20 ounce porterhouse steak and 1/3 cup of jasmine rice for lunch . . a whey isolate, egg white, oat and banana shake preworkout . . 20 ounces of chocolate milk immediately post workout then 8 ounces of pulled chicken, a scoop of mashed potatoes and a small cheesesteak (real cheesesteak made from delmonicos) from my favorite Mennonite deli in town


7/5/24: 1030am workout

Week 4 Creeping Death 2 - Back

One-arm barbell rows:
3x8 w/120lbs added
1x8 w/115lbs added . . real strict here, no twisting or body english of any kind

Incline bench Db rows:
3x10 w/90s . . love this exercise

Neutral grip pull-ups w/BW:
supersetted w/
Db pullovers:
3x8 w/70lb DB

Hammer strength shrug machine:
2x10 w/340lbs added & a pause on each rep

BB curls:
2x8 w/95lbs
2x7 w/same

Cable rope hammer curls:
3x10 w/110 stack & real slow eccentric

man I feel good . . eating today included 3 eggs, a slice of sourdough, a small piece of uncured smoked ham and an egg white, whey, blueberry, banana, oat smoothie for breakfast . . a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . two Core Power milks post workout and an hour and a half later was an 8 ounce NY strip steak, 3 eggs over easy that were just laid this morning and 1/3 cup of jasmine rice . . chicken thighs on the grill and sweet potatoes are on the menu for supper


7/6/24: 1000am workout

Week 4 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders

Db incline press:
4x8 w/115s . . these felt strong . . RPE 9 on last set

Smith machine incline press:
work up to a ‘hard’ 6
6x 250lbs actual weight . . RPE 9

Cable flyes (mid-height):
3x10 w/ a 10 sec hold in the stretched position on the last rep of each set

Db shoulder press:
4x8 w/75s (should’ve went heavier)
supersetted w/
Rear delt flyes:

KB overhead Tricep extensions:
3x8 w/32kg KB

felt super strong today . . cut the Tricep work short because of how intense the pushing work was


7/7/24: 1130am workout

Week 4 Creeping Death 2 - Legs

Lying leg curls:
12x 150 stack
10x 170 stack
8x 180 stack
6x 190 stack

Hack squat:
3x10 w/340lbs
drop set after last set
9x 270lbs
drop set
10x 180lbs

8x 105s
8x 115s
8x 125s

Leg extensions:
work up to ‘hard’ 10
10x 160 stack
30 sec rest
9x same
30 sec rest
8x same

Standing calf raises:
4x10 w/225lbs

had to hustle through this session as the family was waiting for me to get done to go explore out the mountain for the day


7/9/24: 500am workout

Week 4 Creeping Death 2 - Back Pump

One-arm DB rows:
4x8 w/110s

Straight arm pulldowns:
supersetted w/
Neutral grip pull-ups:

Hammer Strength chest-supported row:
10x 320lbs
10x 300lbs
2x10 290lbs

Ez bar curls:
4x8 w/80lb Ez bar

Db Hammer curls:
10x 25s
2x15 w/ 20s

had a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . small glass of chocolate milk when I got home . . just now finished 4 eggs, a small ribeye with onions and peppers, small bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a casein protein, egg white, oat shake . . lunch is going to be a pound and a quarter of grilled chicken thighs and 1/2 cup of jasmine rice and supper will probably be the same


Pump =/= hypertrophy

7/10/24: 245pm workout

Week 4 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders Pump

Db flat bench:
10x 115s
10x 120s
2x10 w/115s

Weighted Dips:
3x10 w/100lbs added
AMRAP w/55lbs . . went to failure/lost count of reps

Lateral raise partials:
4x12 w/40s
supersetted w/
Bent rear delt flyes:
4x15 w/20s

Tricep cable pushdowns:

Overhead cable Tricep extensions:

a little upset here as I felt the dips more in my back than my chest . . hhmm . . had 4 eggs and 2 oat flour blueberry pancakes for breakfast . . had a bacon cheeseburger, some watermelon, a deviled egg, two chicken thighs and some jasmine rice for lunch . . a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . some smoked brisket, a chicken thigh, jasmine rice and sweet corn from right down the road and 3 or 4 ounces of bison sirloin for supper . . and will probably have an egg white, casein, blueberry shake before bed


That whole menu sounds delicious and is making me hungry

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7/12/24: 500am workout

Week 5 Creeping Death 2 - Back

Bent BB rows:
4x8 w/225lbs . . probably could’ve went a little heavier but really wanted to dial in form and not cheat

High pulls (halfway between a clean and snatch grip):
1x5 w/185lbs
4x5 w/205lbs . . this felt awesome

Close grip pulldowns:
4x8 w/190 stack
supersetted w/
KB pullovers:

Face pulls (pulling down to neck level):
2x12 w/110 stack

Ez bar curls:
8x 80lb bar
8x 90lb bar
8x 80lb bar

Incline bench Db curls:
3x10 w/20s & really emphasizing the stretch at the bottom

this was one of the first workouts I didn’t follow to a T, swapped out meadows rows for BB rows to save time and swapped rack pulls for high pulls because I’m just not that interested in doing rack pulls . . had a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . a whole milk, whey/casein powder, chia seed, oat, blueberry shake when I got home and am just now eating 6 eggs and a potato diced up . . grilled chicken breast and jasmine rice are on the menu for lunch


update . . no more chia seeds . . very high in oxalates

7/13/24: 130pm workout

Week 5 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders

Machine chest press:
3x8 w/230 stack

Flat BB bench:
2x5 w/275
AMRAP w/275 . . got 9 reps and just missed the 10th . . wasn’t supposed to be a AMRAP set but I got excited . . video below

Hi to lo cable flye:
supersetted w/
Stretch push-ups:

Seated Smith shoulder press:
4x8 w/155lbs (actual weight) . . lifted explosively
supersetted w/
Rear delt cable flyes:

I decided for the next 4 weeks I’m going to swap the push ‘pump’ day for a leg ‘pump’ day instead . . I feel good but it’s really probably smart to give the 2x a week heavy pressing a break . . had 4 eggs with a little cheese and onions and peppers + a whey/casein, egg white, banana, peanut butter powder shake for breakfast . . scoop of Surge intraworkout . . double scoop of whey postworkout . . I have a half a smoked chicken and a half a rack of smoked ribs I’m about to eat here now and am going to have grilled chicken thighs and jasmine rice for supper

on a different note I’m helping coach the boys football team this fall; 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders . . he and I are both pretty excited about that


I saw this in the other thread and think it’s pretty clever. Also got me interested in high pulls!

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yeah I went about halfway between a snatch and a clean grip . . felt awesome

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worked up to 250 for a triple… your upper back / traps will grow

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7/14/24: 1100am workout

Week 5 Creeping Death 2 - Legs

Lying leg curls
12, 10, 8, 6 reps w/increasing weight

Leg press:
work up to a ‘hard’ 8
8x 590lbs

Bulgarian split squats:
3x8 each side w/95lb Db

Leg extensions:
3x8 w/full stack & many partials on last set

Db RDLs:
3x8 w/125s

Standing calf raises:

awesome leg day, crazy quad pump . . 12 ounce grass fed T-bone steak and 4 eggs for breakfast . . scoop and a half of Surge intraworkout . . double scoop of whey postworkout . . about to eat a pulled beef, Mac n cheese bowl now and t-bones and roasted potatoes are on the menu for supper while I spend the evening at the pool with the kids


7/16/24: 500am workout

Week 5 Creeping Death 2 - Back ‘Pump’

Seated cable rows (close-grip):
4x10 w/180 stack

Straight arm pushdown:
4x8 w/140 stack
supersetted w/
Close-grip lat pulldowns:
4x8 w/180 stack . . almost painful pump after this superset

Incline bench Db rows:
10x 95s
3x10 w/90s

Machine curls:
4x8 each arm w/60 stack

Rope hammer curls:
3x12 w/110 stack

my full day of eating looks as follows:
scoop of Surge intraworkout this morning

whey/casein powder, egg white, oat, banana, peanut butter powder shake postworkout

8 ounce t-bone, 4 eggs w/ a sprinkle of cheese, 1 oat flour blueberry pancake and a small dish of almond butter mixed with oats and buckwheat for breakfast

1/2lb of pulled chicken, mashed potatoes and blackberries for lunch

10 to 12 ounce t-bone steak, a bone-in center loin pork chop and 1/2 cup of jasmine rice for supper

protein and egg white shake before bed


7/17/24: 515pm workout

Week 5 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders ‘Pump’

Machine chest press:
4x10 w/230 stack

Db shoulder press:
4x8 w/85s
supersetted w/
Db lateral raises:
4x10 w/25s . . great shoulder pump, they looked huge in the gym mirror

Face pulls (pulling to top of head):

Incline bench ez bar skullcrushers:
3x10 w/70lb Ez bar

skipped the dips in this workout as I don’t feel them where I’m supposed to so not going to pursue them for awhile

full day of eating looks as follows:
3 eggs w/a sprinkle of cheese and an egg white, whey/casein powder, oat shake for breakfast
a little over a pound of chicken thighs and a 1/2 cup of jasmine rice for lunch
a blueberry, banana, whey powder, egg white, oat shake preworkout
a double steak chipolte burrito for supper
before bed will be a couple bites of steak and a blueberry, whey powder, egg white shake