6/14/24: 1000am workout
Week 1 Creeping Death 2 - Back
decided to do Creeping Death as opposed to Gamma Bomb due to arms being worked into push and pull days instead of on their own separate day
One arm barbell row:
8x 120lbs added to bar
8x 110lbs
2x8 100lbs
Wide grip pull-ups:
8x +25lbs added
2x8 w/BW
DB pullovers:
3x10 w/70lb DB
Hammer strength shrugs:
3x12 w/320lbs & 1-2 sec pause each rep
30 sec hang w/45lb plate
3x15 KB swings w/55lb KB
Db preacher curl:
3x12 w/25lb Dbs
DB hammer curls:
4x8 w/30s
feels great to be back, it was a long week away . . ate a kashi waffle, two eggs and a whey, banana, peanut butter, oat smoothie for breakfast . . a quart of fairlife chocolate milk immediately postworkout and then about two hours later some smoked chicken, two grass fed ribeyes, half a sweet potato and 1/3 cup of jasmine rice
6/15/24: 615am workout
Week 1 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders
Db incline press:
8x 105s
3x8 w/100s . . all sets were around RPE 8
Machine press:
8x 90lbs each side
30 sec rest
6x same
30 sec rest
4x same
Cable flye:
3x8 w/10 sec hold in stretched position o. last rep
Bent rear delt flyes:
4x15 w/20lb Dbs
Incline bench Y raises:
12x 20s
2x12 w/15s
Partial lateral raises:
12x 40s
Tricep rope pressdowns:
4x10 w/descending weight
KB skullcrushers:
4x12 w/50lb KB
had to skip BB incline because it was being used . . no breakfast, had a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . a pint of fairlife chocolate milk postworkout and am about to make some eggs, a porterhouse steak and some from scratch buttermilk pancakes for me and the boy
6/16/24: 115pm workout
Week 1 Creeping Death 2 - Legs
Seated leg curls:
3x10 @140
drop set
8x @125
drop set
6x @110
Front squat machine:
5x6 w/360lbs added and 1 sec pause at bottom of each rep . . those were all done explosively, felt awesome
Bulgarian split squat:
8x each leg w/35lb Db
8x 55lb Db
2x8 w/75lb Db
drop set
8x 55lb
drop set
8x 35lb . . was definitely walking funny after this
2x10 w/35lb plate
Standing calf raise:
3x10 w/185lb
full day of eating rundown:
4 eggs, 6 ounce smoked (uncured) ham steak and 2 slices of homemade cheddar jalapeño bread . . Surge intraworkout . . scoop of whey isolate postworkout . . 3 eggs, about 6 ounces pulled pork, 1/3 cup of jasmine rice, peppers and onions and a scoop of sour cream all mixed together for postworkout meal . . 4 chicken thighs, cheesy potatoes, toasted bread w/homemade bruschetta and a bunch of watermelon and cantaloupe for supper . . scoop of casein and a handful of blueberries before bed
With the holds??? This is brutal!!!
yeah it felt good haha . . I skipped calves completely during the last program so I figured I better give them some work this go-around
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6/18/24: 500am workout
Week 1 Creeping Death 2 - Back Pump
Close grip seated cable rows:
4x10 @170 stack . . good squeeze on each rep
Wide lat pulldown:
4x10 @160 stack & 1 sec stretch at top of each rep
Face pulls:
4x10 pulling to throat level
DB pullovers:
4x8 w/75lb DB
Pinwheel curls:
8x 35lb Dbs
2x8 40lb Dbs
8x 35lb Dbs
Bicep 21s:
1x 50lb Ez bar
2x 40lb Ez bar
hard to beat a good back pump in the morning
yesterday’s food:
4 eggs, a 6 ounce smoked ham steak and some cantaloupe . . 1lb of 85% grass fed ground beef and 1/2 cup of jasmine rice for lunch . . a 12 ounce beef rib steak and an 8 ounce lamb tenderloin, grilled for supper . . and before bed was a casein protein, oat, blueberry smoothie . . that doesn’t seem like quite enough food to grow as I look at it in writing here . . . hhmm
6/19/24: 500am workout
Week 1 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders Pump
Decline Db press:
2x12 w/100s
2x10 w/100s
Db floor press:
3x8 w/90s
supersetted w/
Lo to high cable flyes:
3x10 w/ pause & squeeze each rep
Db shoulder press:
3x8 w/70s
supersetted w/
Db lateral raises:
3x15 w/20s going down to 10s
massive shoulder pump here . . loved it
Seated cable overhead tricep extensions:
4x10 w/110 stack
after the last shoulder superset I did a set of 10 partial lateral raises w/35s
yesterday’s food:
4 eggs, peppers and onions, 8 ounce smoked ham steak, about 8 ounces chocolate milk and a large oat flour pancake for breakfast . . half of a chicken and 1/3 cup of jasmine rice and a handful of blueberries for lunch . . 1/2 lb 85% grass fed ground beef and a 1/3 cup of jasmine rice for supper . . around 6 ounces of pulled pork, another 1/3 cup of jasmine rice and a casein protein, oat, blueberry smoothie after we got home from the boys wrestling practice and off to bed shortly thereafter
How are you liking the transition to PPL vs the more traditional split?
thanks for asking . . I’m really enjoying the PPL and just John Meadows programming in general . . probably going to rotate through his programs for quite awhile going forward as I’m really seeing progress in terms of size . . I started doing Surge intraworkout as well when I started with Meadows programs so I’m sure that’s helped with progress as well
That’s been, more or less, my last decade!
I think the Surge is super helpful for the otherwise crippling soreness that comes with his workouts too.
Good to follow along here.
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what program are you on now?
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Right now I’m taking one of my very rare deviations from his stuff. I am doing the Velocity Diet, and traveling, and just wasn’t bringing the game I wanted to my Meadows’ workouts. I’m doing Thibaudeau’s volume-based hypertrophy he wrote about awhile back whilst I diet.
My thinking is I’ll be in a great position to go back to a Mountain Dog program and attack some size after, but this time I’m hoping to reverse diet in a smarter way and see what kind of difference that might make in my top end caloric threshold. I’m a little older, and limiting fat gain is bother harder to do and a higher priority than it used to be.
6/21/24: 530am workout
Week 2 Creeping Death 2 - Back
One arm BB rows:
3x10 each side w/110lbs added
1x10 w/100lbs
Close grip pulldown:
3x8 w/180 stack emphasizing a full stretch at the top
DB pullovers:
3x8 w/75lb DB
Wendler row/shrugs:
3x8 w/5 plates added & a 2 sec pause each rep . . substituted these for rack pulls to try and manage fatigue a little bit . . probably the only substitution I’ll make
Ez bar curls:
8x 100lb
8x 90lb
8x 80lb
Incline hammer curls:
2x10 w/25s
2x10 w/20s
Looking great dude!! Waist look tiny!!!
Thanks man, appreciate it
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6/22/24: 1000am workout
Week 2 Creeping Death - Chest/shoulders
Db incline press (45 degrees):
warm ups
3x10 w/100s
1x8 w/100s
Weighted dips:
10x +115lbs
45 sec rest
7x +115lbs
45 sec rest
6x +115lbs
45 sec rest
5x +115lbs
Cable chest flyes:
3x12 w/pause and squeeze each rep
Cable rear delt flyes:
Db lateral raises:
15x 20s
15x 15s
20x 10s
15x partials w/35s
Tricep pushdowns:
Incline skullcrushers:
3x12 w/70lb Ez bar
food so far today was a whey isolate, egg white, oat and banana smoothie preworkout . . scoop and a half of Surge intraworkout . . 16 ounces of chocolate milk postworkout . . about 2 hours postworkout was 10oz T-bone steak, 4 eggs, 1 blueberry pancake made with oat flour and a small dish of overnight oats from Aldis that was sweetened with honey
6/23/24: 200pm workout
Week 2 Creeping Death 2 - Legs
Seated leg curl:
10x + 5 partials
10x + 5 partials
Front squat machine:
5x6 w/380lbs and a quick pause at the bottom of each rep
Leg press:
work up to a ‘hard’ 10
10x 500lbs
no rest
5x 450lbs
no rest
5x 360lbs
no rest
5x 270lbs
3x8 w/245lbs . . 3 sec eccentric each rep
Standing calf raises:
4x10 w/185lbs
6/25/24: 515am workout
Week 2 Creeping Death 2 - Back Pump
Low cable row:
4x10 w/180 stack & sitting on a 5" block (John recommends to do these a little elevated)
Straight arm pulldown:
supersetted w/
Medium grip lat pulldown:
4x8 . . huge lat pump with this sequence
Incline bench DB rows:
4x10 w/90s
Ez bar curl:
3x8 w/80lb Ez bar
Preacher hammer curls:
3x10 each side w/25lb Db
scoop of Surge intraworkout . . whey isolate, banana, oat, egg white smoothie when I got home and am about to eat a 8 ounce smoked ham steak, a big plate of egg whites and 2 blueberry pancakes made with oat flour
6/26/24: 500am workout
Week 2 Creeping Death 2 - Chest/shoulders Pump
Hammer strength chest press:
work up to a ‘hard’ 8
8x 100lbs each side
BB incline press (45 degrees):
4x8 w/205lbs
supersetted w/
Lo to high cable flyes:
4x8 w/ a squeeze at the peak of each rep
Db lateral raises:
4x15 w/20s
supersetted w/
Bent rear delt flyes:
4x15 w/15s
Tricep rope pushdowns:
3x10 w/100 stack and slow eccentric
Overhead tricep extensions:
3x12 w/55lb KB
shoulder pump was awesome here . . in and out of the gym in an hour . . had a scoop of Surge intraworkout . . a whey isolate, egg white, oat and banana smoothie when I got home and then I just housed 4 eggs, an 8 ounce ham steak and 2 oat flour blueberry pancakes . . chicken thighs and rice for lunch
6/28/24: 515am workout
Week 3 Creeping Death 2 - Back
One arm barbell rows:
2x12 w/110lbs added to bar
2x10 w/same
Single arm cable pulldown:
3x10 each side w/150 stack
DB pullover:
3x10 w/70lb DB
supersetted w/
Wide (very wide) pull-ups:
3x6 . . slow eccentric
BB Hyperextensions:
3x12 w/65lbs
Ez bar curls:
4x8 w/90lb ez bar
Incline db hammer curls:
12x 15s
10x 20s
8x 25s
can’t state enough how much I love this style of training . . had the usual scoop of Surge intraworkout . . 16 ounces of fairlife chocolate milk when I got home . . 4 eggs, a 6 ounce buffalo sirloin, a banana and two homemade oat/protein bars about an hour and a half post workout