Darkhorse log

Lifted hard from about 2017-2020 then in 2020 we bought some property and moved some livestock in and the gym got put on pause up until this past June. Strength and size gains came back quicker than I expected but I’m also prioritizing getting enough sleep and enough protein this time around. 34 y/o so I want to hit it hard while I still can. Another motivation is my boy wrestled for the first time last year and is now playing football and is really into both. He’s 7 y/o and does pushups and pullups a couple times a week at home so I want to set a good example for him as well. Been lifting again since June of this year but I’ll start with Saturdays workout. About 5’ 10" and tipping the scales at around 212 currently.

Incline db press: 5x5 w/100s
Arnolds: 3x8 w/60s
Chest flyes: 3x15 @140
Cable overhead tricep extensions: 3x10 @60
BTN press: 50 rep set w/barbell +10s (65lb)

Paused BB rows: 5x5 @245 and a drop set of 1x10 @185
Weighted chinups: 3x6 w/25lb plate and 2x8 with no added weight
Paused trap bar shrugs: 3x12 @170
Farmer carries: 2 walks w/100s and 1 longer walk w/50s


9/20/23: early morning workout
Military press: 3x2 @170 & back off sets 3x12 @125
Dips: 3x12 w/45lb plate
Lateral raises: 1x12 w/25lb db & 2x15 w/20lb db
Face pulls: 3x15 @30
Tricep cable snapdowns: 3x15 @55

going to do a couple months of an 8-5-2 weekly wave with press . . progressing well so far


went to camp over the weekend with the family so went 4 days with no lifting . . felt good to get back to it yesterday

Zercher squats: 5x3 @225 then 1 set of Zercher shrugs with 155
Chest supported t bar row: 4x6 w/170lbs of added weight (3 plates and a 35)
Close grip pulldowns: 3x10 @140 w/ a pause at the bottom
Hang cleans: 3x8 @135 wanted to do this at the end for a little conditioning and a little more trap stimulus

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9/27/23: early morning workout
did press day today instead of incline dumbbells so I could stay on schedule with pressing

Military press: 3x8 @135 (felt good so I’ll bump up to 140 or 145 next 3x8 day)
Standing BTN press: 3x8 @115
Dips: 3x12 w/45lb plate
Laterals: 3x20 w/20lb db
Tricep cable snapdowns: 3x10 @60


been doing some research and I think I’m going to run 3 months of 5/3/1 BBB for bench press . . still going to do 8/5/2 waves with press on my 2nd push day of the week

9/29/23: early morning workout
Paused BB rows: 5x5 @255 and a drop set of 1x10 @205 (these were all strict, no body english)
Weighted chin-ups: 1x8 & 1x6 w/25lb plate and 2x8 w/no added weight
Paused trap bar shrugs: 3x10 @200 (60lb trap bar)
Farmer carries: 1 moderate distance walk w/100s and 1 longer walk w/50s

only did 1 set of carries w/ 100s this time as I was wiped after the shrugs . . not sure why though as I ate plenty of protein and carbs later in the day yesterday . . had 2 chipolte steak burritos in the afternoon, a NY strip steak, deer jerky, rice and tortilla chips and salsa for supper and then a shot of protein before bed . . slept good too from about 930ish to 5 . . before these early morning workouts I have a glass of water with a little mineral salt and preworkout and then after I almost always get a pint of local chocolate milk from a small farm stand just down the road from the gym

9/30/23: lunch time workout today; started 531 BBB for bench, going to run that for 3 months on bench days

Flat BB bench: 5x185
5+x230 got 10 reps, real happy with that
BBB work: 5x10 @145 did these explosively
Lateral raises - 3x12 w/25s
Face pulls - 3x20

first time flat benching in a long time, felt good

10/3/23: 5 am workout

going to run 531 FSL for zercher squats for awhile instead of 5 sets of 3 like I was doing, feel like I’m more likely to stay on track this way

Zercher squat: 5x155
5+x155 (hit 10 reps)

Chest supported t bar row: 4x8 w/170lbs of added weight (3 plates and a 35)

Close grip lat pulldowns: 3x10 @140 w/ a pause at the bottom (really felt these in my lats today)

zercher shrugs: 2x12 w/165; 2-3 sec hold
hammer curls w/ a 45lb plate: 2x20

after completing I had a shot of protein powder, shot of creatine and a pint of chocolate milk


10/4/23: 5 am workout

Military press: 5x160
5x155 this felt a lot heavier than last week, not sure if it’s because I hit upper
back hard yesterday or what’s going on

BTN press (strict & wide grip):
5x135 (3 sets)

Dips: 3x10 w/55lb added weight

Lateral raises 3x12 w/25lb db supersetted w/
Overhead tricep extensions:

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10/6/23: 530am workout . . woke up hungry but took some pwo and got to er’

BB row (strict): 5x5 @255 and a drop set of 1x8 @225 (these felt really good, will probably start at 275 next week and drop weight a little if needed to get 5 sets of 5

Neutral grip pullups: 40 total reps (first set I got 15 then I just knocked them out as I could til I got to 40 . . not sure if supersetting with the rear delt rows burned me out but after the first set they felt really hard)


Hi cable/rear delt rows: 3x12 with descending weight

Trap bar shrugs w/ a pause: 3x10 @220

Farmer carry: 2 moderate distance walks w/100s

10/7/23: lunch time workout, scale said 214 when I walked into the gym

Bench press: 3x195
3+x245 (12 reps)
the + set was supposed to be 255 but I’m still happy getting 12 reps with 245 . . I think I set my max a little low to start but that’s better than too high . . I’ll reset after next weeks 5/3/1+ workout

                  5x10 @145 (explosive reps)

Machine flyes: 3x12 light weight

Lateral raises: 50 total reps w/ descending weight

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10/9/23: mid morning workout as I had off work today for Columbus Day

Zercher squats: 3x165
FSL 12x165

Chest supported t bar row (elbows flared):
2x8 w/4 plates
1x8 w/3plates + 35
1x8 w/3 plates + 25

Close grip lat pulldown:
3x10 @160 (slow eccentric)
drop set 1 set @130 & 1 @100

Zercher shrugs:
3x8 @185 w/2-3 sec pause

10/11/23: 530am workout

Military Press - since the weight felt so heavy last week I opted to do 3/2/1 waves as opposed to 3 sets of 2 straight across
1x170 this rep was really slow and grindy so I called it here

Shoulder press machine
3x12 @120

1x8 @225
1x10 @205
1x10 @185

Rope tricep pressdown

Incline db laterals

press felt really heavy again so I think I’m going to switch up my rep scheme, debating between 5/3/1 BBB or 5/4/3/2/1 HDL sets w/70% for a couple weeks

welp . . .

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10/13/23: 530am workout

Barbell rows w/ a pause:

Neutral grip pullups:
40 total over several sets

Snatch grip high pull:
3x5 @185 . . . first time ever trying these, didnt want to go too heavy until Im comfortable with form

Trap bar deadlift w/an explosive shrug at the top:
3x5 @155 . . . I was just kind of experimenting here to see what I like better between these and the high pulls

Face pulls:
2x25 w/ light weight

definitely could feel it in my traps after this one . . think the high pulls and the trap bar deadlift/shrugs are too much together in one workout?

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Not necessarily too much, but probably redundant. What’s the primary goal?

mainly just after trap stimulus/growth with the pulls

Gotcha. I don’t think it’s hurting you, but for me I’d rather put more effort/ volume into one of those moves. I’d probably choose the high pull instead of the trap bar, because you’re using so much effort in the leg drive on the trap bar.

That said, you could then use the trap bar as a bit of an overload. So instead of having it light enough that you can do that explosive movement, load it up and grind out some shrugs. You could even do something like 3-5 heavy deads with it, then just stay at the top of that last rep and grind out as many shrugs as you can. So not much different than what you’re doing, but changes the stimulus a little bit.

But as long as your lower back likes what you’re doing, I still think it’s ok as-is… so I just wrote a long circular ramble.

I appreciate it. I’m not super comfortable with the high pull form so I think I’ll take them from ya, doing some heavy dead’s with the trap bar followed by shrugs after the last rep . . thanks for the suggestion

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10/14/23: 700am workout (fasted)

Bench: 5x225
1+x265 (got 8 reps)

        5x10 @155

Machine flyes: 3x12

OH Tricep extension: 3x15

seemed to be slightly weaker on bench this morning as opposed to last Saturday when I lifted after a full breakfast . . good workout still though . . now to get the boy to wrestling practice

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