Hi guys i have trained natural for 4 years,i have gained alot of muscle and i am currently 235lbs at 15% bodyfat i must admit i went a little to far with the bulking up but i am looking ok still.I am now gonna try out some clen or eph.Any ideas on which one is the best?And where i could get some online thats safe?
Also what type of time scale am i lookin at to get down to 10% useing these products?Also i have a good clean diet that i have made to fit my needs from thibs ebook.
[quote]BRITISHBULLDOG wrote:
Hi guys i have trained natural for 4 years,i have gained alot of muscle and i am currently 235lbs at 15% bodyfat i must admit i went a little to far with the bulking up but i am looking ok still.I am now gonna try out some clen or eph.Any ideas on which one is the best?And where i could get some online thats safe?
Also what type of time scale am i lookin at to get down to 10% useing these products?Also i have a good clean diet that i have made to fit my needs from thibs ebook.
Thanxs alot[/quote]
You dont need a cutting agent to get from 15-10% bf you just need to do more cardio. Usually cutting agents are for 10% and less. Up the cardio man put in the work.
cardio shouldnt be used to drop bodyfat for too long…as you will lose too much muscle especialy if your natural…for 300$ I could write up a diet for you
I do put in the work.I was only asking how much time it takes off not a lecture on how i should work hard.I work hard every day,i already have a diet plan i got one made off another competitive bodybuilder friend thanks,but thanxs for the offer.
[quote]Npccompetitor69 wrote:
cardio shouldnt be used to drop bodyfat for too long…as you will lose too much muscle especialy if your natural…for 300$ I could write up a diet for you[/quote]
To be honest i dont want to do hardly any cardio,i simply walk and thats it.For me to get from 15% to 10% i dont think i need to over do it as i dont want to lose too much muscle,cardio is only good when i get below 10% but then i still wouldnt over do it.
If I had to choose between the two I would go with an e/c combination. 4-5 weks on e/c can provide some decent fat loss without effecting muscle mass. Clen just makes me feel like straight shit. good luck
[quote]Dezz wrote:
If I had to choose between the two I would go with an e/c combination. 4-5 weks on e/c can provide some decent fat loss without effecting muscle mass. Clen just makes me feel like straight shit. good luck
What do you mean it makes you feel like shit?What types of effects do you get?