Correlation Between

My traps’ soreness and the bad chest workout i had today?

Did legs yesterday…first time that i did hack squats-romanian DL and my traps got sore

today i couldn’t complete the reps during DB and BB press

is there any correlation between these two?

Yes, a fatigued back/biceps/traps makes your bench go down.

Everytime I do back before chest, my bench goes down at least 10-20 pounds

[quote]Ethan7X wrote:
Yes, a fatigued back/biceps/traps makes your bench go down.

Everytime I do back before chest, my bench goes down at least 10-20 pounds[/quote]
same happened to me…bench didn’tgo down 10-20 pounds but i couldn’t make the last 1-2 reps…

If it affects strength then what’s the point training while sore if you can’t lift the same weight u used to.
People suggest this all the time but if you can’t lift more than the previous time it s like you are not progressing at all…

If you want the correlation find the covariance between those 2 soreness indicator and divide by the square root the product of their variance Mr.Math.