I’m moving into week 5 of Thib’s OVT program and wanted to get some input on these lifts. I’m loving the first 4wks of OVT. It’s awesome to add more weight each week. I set weight expectations for myself before every workout and I constantly destroy my expectations, it’s awesome.
If you’re not familiar with the program it consists of pre-fatigue supersets.
All comments welcome. Thanks in advance.
Low Incline DB Press
Low Incline DB flys
Chest Dips
Cable Crossovers
DB Pullovers
1 arm cable rows
Tbar Row
Seated Cable row
Front squats
Leg extensions
Natural Glute-Ham raise
Seated leg curl
1 leg Deadlift
EZ bar curl
Zottman curl
Preacher curl
1 arm cable curl
Tricep dips
1 arm cable pushdowns
Close grip bench
Lying tricep press to forehead
Push press
1 arm lateral raises
Standing DB press
Front plate raises
Incline reverse flys
Bent over BB rows
[quote]TheFlamingo wrote:
DB Pullovers
1 arm cable rows[/quote]
I’d swap the order of these. Pullovers, the isolation movement, would go second.
1 leg Deadlift[/quote]
One-legged Romanian or stiff-leg deadlift, right?
Incline reverse flys
Bent over BB rows[/quote]
Barbell rows for shoulders? Maybe swap these for face pulls and seated lateral raises or high pulls and incline reverse flyes.
[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:
TheFlamingo wrote:
DB Pullovers
1 arm cable rows
I’d swap the order of these. Pullovers, the isolation movement, would go second.
1 leg Deadlift
One-legged Romanian or stiff-leg deadlift, right?
Incline reverse flys
Bent over BB rows
Barbell rows for shoulders? Maybe swap these for face pulls and seated lateral raises or high pulls and incline reverse flyes.[/quote]
I see what you mean with the Pullovers & Rows. I checked CT’s recommendations for weeks 5-8 and he does have them in the order I noted here…makes me wonder why now? No big deal though, guess I’ll switch them.
Yes to the Romanians, sorry I didn’t mention that.
I am going to take your advice and change the last set of shoulders to High Pull and incline reverse flys.
Thanks for the advice man! Good stuff.