Combatting Muscle Fatigue

when i train Thai kick boxing
I find that about 45-1hour into training, especiallywhen im going heavy on padwork and bagwork, my muscles feel very heavy, tight and tired. I’m not sure if this was because of dehydration but it used to happen alot quicker when i was cutting back on carbs. I am now eating following JB’s don’t diet diet and i get a P+C before training and though the fatigue is alot better, it still occurs, soemthing that didnt happen before when i’d eat 60% carbs (i get around 150+ carbs no keeping them at around 35-40% of my calories
I was wondering what i could do to help, without adding more carbs cos i deffinately have a tendancy to put on body fat with more carbs + i feel alot better generally eating moderate carbs.
Could creatine help hydrate my muscles? if so would i expect alot of weight gain from taking it?


Hey Darkie,
If your technique is getting sloppy, I’d stop. To combat the fatique, improve your anaerobic threshold away from skill training and in conjuction with skill training. What is the density of your bag/pad work(#punches thrown per round, rest periods, # rounds?), and when in relation to your supplemental training are you performing it? 45 mins to 1 hour…how long are your matches?
Put it in perspective.

How long is your training? It seems that 45-60 minutes of serious training is enough to tire anybody; muscles feeling tired/fatigued after being trained for nearly an hour seems quite normal. Make sure you’re not overtraining. Also, how is your recovery? Are you still sore from a previous workout? I find that post-workout nutrition (aka Surge) works wonders for recovery, as well as adequate rest and good quality food. Good luck!