[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Right, so eventually, we all become we, because we run out of “others” to hate.
But you know that won’t ever happen.
We’ll just get back to hating someone we hated a long time ago.
[quote]countingbeans wrote:
Also, lets not pretend it is only American “conservatives” that are guilty of this. Like JB said, it is some fringe opinions and media blow hards, and suddenly all of conservatism is the evil that spins the globe. It is annoying political game.[/quote]
I hate social media, and heck media in general, for this reason.
Given the wealth of information available online and on T.V. today, any competent person can formulate an extreme case and support it with enough evidence to make it look compelling.
But that case could very well be complete bullshit.
I no longer trust anything I read online unless it’s just outright fact presentation like from Reuters or something.
Humans will hate, that is for sure. Maybe we can start hating the individuals that deserve it, rather than assume things about entire groups of people based on the actions of those individuals.
Coca Cola’s Super Bowl commercial is causing quite a stir among crazy people. Now those are some people who need to get a life.[/quote]
There is thankfully a difference between conservatives and moderate Republicans. [/quote]
This has nothing to do with Republicans or Conservatives. I am about as conservative as a human can be, and don’t care about this. Nor am I unusual.
It’s the same thing as “I’d Like Buy the World a Coke” that Coca-Cola has been doing since it commissioned the song in 1971.
This whole “let’s pick out one or two nuts and pretend they are the face of Conservatism” meme is tired and old.
Liberals need to get a new schtick.
You’re doing the same thing going 180 and pointing the finger back at the other group.
I can say pretty definitively travelling and getting to know a lot of people, the coolest ones are those that don’t talk their politics or classify themselves by an ideological group.
This whole “let’s pick out one or two nuts and pretend they are the face of Conservatism” meme is tired and old.
Liberals need to get a new schtick.
You’re doing the same thing going 180 and pointing the finger back at the other group.
No, I am not doing the same thing. A repeated meme of the MSM and liberals in general (not just a fringe few) is to pick the outliers and weirdos in the conservative movement and hold them up as the face of conservatism. This article was a standard example of this tired schtick.
I can say pretty definitively travelling and getting to know a lot of people, the coolest ones are those that don’t talk their politics or classify themselves by an ideological group. [/quote]
Yeah, it’s real important to be “cool.”
“Cool” creates jobs, protects the innocent from harm, uplifts the downtrodden.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
Before you dig out your books you might want to put down the whatever is feeding you this false sense of conservatism based on the reactions of a few fringe idiots.
Because I see the TV telling me what you say is true, and I see liberals telling me what you say is true, however, I don’t actually see conservative thinkers acting this way.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
Anarchy? Does any well educated adult believe that to be an ideal state of affairs these days? I’m not referring To you by the way.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
Anarchy? Does any well educated adult believe that to be an ideal state of affairs these days? I’m not referring To you by the way.
there are plenty of educated adults who believe the exact opposite, i call them communist, but many refer to them as democrats or liberals
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
I just noticed two things
you live in CT. I’m sorry. I live in MA, and your state is worse than mine. Much less shame involved as our history is a proud one that the Kennedy Infestation has completely turned to shit, but none the less worse as a one sided dump. So it makes sense how freely these anti-conservative talking points flow from you. You are surrounded by it day-in-and-day-out.
To the first part of your post. Of course it would be great if it went away, but it won’t. Every country does it, every race does it, and every culture does it. There are examples of this type of behavior throughout man’s history long before America, and it certainly isn’t solely a “conservative” problem.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
Anarchy? Does any well educated adult believe that to be an ideal state of affairs these days? I’m not referring To you by the way.
there are plenty of educated adults who believe the exact opposite, i call them communist, but many refer to them as democrats or liberals [/quote]
Sounds like you should take a comparative politics class or two.
[quote]TheKraken wrote:
but this xenophobic bullshit has got to go. [/quote]
This “bullshit” has been around for quite some time if you think about it.
Every new group of immigrant faced (faces) an uphill struggle for assimilation.
Just because its been around for a while doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. I meant the Right’s xenophobic BS in particular. Being on the Right or Conservative used to mean involve some intelligent arguments, thsse days it seems to involve wrapping the flag around youself and reactionary laothing for any one who thinks or is different. Maybe I should dig out my anarchy books from my punk days.[/quote]
I just noticed two things
you live in CT. I’m sorry. I live in MA, and your state is worse than mine. Much less shame involved as our history is a proud one that the Kennedy Infestation has completely turned to shit, but none the less worse as a one sided dump. So it makes sense how freely these anti-conservative talking points flow from you. You are surrounded by it day-in-and-day-out.
To the first part of your post. Of course it would be great if it went away, but it won’t. Every country does it, every race does it, and every culture does it. There are examples of this type of behavior throughout man’s history long before America, and it certainly isn’t solely a “conservative” problem. [/quote]
I lived in Kennedy Country most of my adult life. I’d dive into a cross border flame war about which state will lead Merica into the fourth Reich first but it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the the gnashing of teeth over a soda commercial and how ridiculous it is. The whole willfully ignorant Merica attitude, which seems rooted in the same crowds as the Tea Party and Honey Boo-boo, is what i have the problem with and that it is the perfect foder it is for our liberally dominated media. Its not an anti-conservative talking point to want to see my side of the isle use some logic and strategy instead of reactionism and fear as guiding principles.
For the record, BTW, I am not an anarchist. The books I mentioned are from my teen years when Dr Martins and spikes were my everyday uniform. I also referenced a book about vikings once, yet I dont own a boat or battle ax.
I lived in Kennedy Country most of my adult life. I’d dive into a cross border flame war about which state will lead Merica into the fourth Reich first but it is irrelevant. What is relevant is the the gnashing of teeth over a soda commercial and how ridiculous it is. The whole willfully ignorant Merica attitude, which seems rooted in the same crowds as the Tea Party and Honey Boo-boo, is what i have the problem with and that it is the perfect foder it is for our liberally dominated media. Its not an anti-conservative talking point to want to see my side of the isle use some logic and strategy instead of reactionism and fear as guiding principles.
First off, my post was a lot more light hearted than you took it, and I’m sorry if that didn’t come off in type. I live in MA. Once a great symbol of independence and freedom, the home of the original patriot and the god damn minute men. I now have to lick heals to buy a firearm that has a magazine restriction. I was, and did a poor job of it, trying to say that MA was pretty awful, but CT isn’t very far behind.
And along with that awful comes this constant barrage that everything “conservative” is a bad thing. And I’ll be honest, I follow a fairly significant amount of conservative media/social media and opinion, and this is the first time I’ve seen this Coke thing mentioned. So of the things I follow are proud to call themselves tea party.
My issue with your statements are that you seem to be buying into the narrative, because you aren’t seeing individuals, you are seeing groups, and allowing individuals to define groups. So, I’m trying to get you to see that, and stop that. Because it is one of the defining lines between an American Conservative and the Contemporary American Liberal. One sees groups, one sees individuals.
Maybe I’m full of shit, maybe not… But I wasn’t trying to offend, attack or insult you.
Well I didn’t like the stupid Coke commercial. It has nothing to do with immigrants. I just didn’t like it for the same reason I don’t like watching porn in Russian. I can’t understand shit. I couldn’t understand like 70% of it, and it wasn’t funny. What about that is a good commercial? I was disappointed overall in the quality of the commercials this year.