Coan/Phillipi DL and Ed Coan Bench

Started both programs this week. First day of bench routine was on Monday. DL day was today. Running 5/3/1 for my squat.

Height - 5’10
weight - 205-210 lbs

pre program DL max = 415
pre program squat max = 335
pre program bench max = 265

I hope to get to 465 on DL and get my bench to 295 by the end of the programs. I am fairly confident in DL and actually believe that I will probably exceed that goal in the given time frame. Not so confident about bench though.

After these routines bite the dust I will probably run smolov to give my squat a huge jolt. If I don’t it’s gonna be pretty embarrassing having a bench press so close to 300 and not being able to squat 400.

Back day went great today. Felt like the best back work out I have had in the 7 months that I have been lifting. I felt pretty good after the workout, but was a little gassed. Starting to get nice and stiff from the speed pulls and the romanian DL.