Cheating: How Did You Deal...

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]Brother Chris wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]Brother Chris wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]Brother Chris wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]csulli wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]csulli wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:

[quote]csulli wrote:

[quote]theBeth wrote:
My range is 30-45. Up to 50 for a brilliant exception. Does that help?[/quote]
Shit that means I’m only boy-toy material for another 5 years.[/quote]

We’ve already discussed this. You can be a brilliant exception. [/quote]
Phew. That’s good. I’ve already sunk a bunch of money into the log cabin and the horses and it would be a nightmare backing out now.[/quote]

how many acres are we talkin here?[/quote]
Oh tons. Enough to be able to do a few different trail rides. Also there’s a river running through the property and a vast expanse of rock faces for bouldering and lead climbing. I’ve already got some bolts put in. I can set up anchors too for top roping.

What’s your position on white picket fences?[/quote]

Yep. I got all excited then realized you’re fucking with me once I got to the picket fence part. Damn you.[/quote]

I still have two cabins in the mountains. One next to a ski resort…but just ignore me because I’m 23…I feel the love.[/quote]

You actually seem to have your head on straight. But what 23yo wants to sign up for being a default parent? [/quote]

Oh you have a kid? Well, then…just kidding I love kids. How old is the kid? What do they like to do? Sports?

The real question is are you willing to move every couple of years? Not own your house, not really settle anywhere, live with college students or around college students. And, help me raise my salary. In the last few of my relationships they have ended because I have moved or they are not willing to live the lifestyle of a Catholic missionary.[/quote]

Digging the daughter, not much of a blow job guy. I’m Catholic so I’m pretty conventional…i’m not against them, just they don’t really come into the picture much as they are really just a foreplay thing and not much of an act in and of themselves. I know terrible, but it’s how I roll. I also go raw dog 100% so I guess it’s a give and take thing. But, of course this is all after the ring is on the finger.

The MMA thing is cool, I picked up boxing before I was admitted into the hospital, I stopped with the stomach being sensitive to getting punched but stuck with wrestling for the moment.

I digg the hair cut too, not the usual but I’m not the usual I suppose either. [/quote]

You and I would not be compatible then I suppose. I’m was raised as a Christian (protestant if you like) and I have a hard time fitting my values to an organization that turned out bastard popes sired by pedophilic bishops and prostitutes, who were simply pawns in a powerplay created by Constantine’s brilliant idea to combine religion and government in order to more completely subjugate the masses.

I applaud you for the “waiting for the ring” in regards to sex. I see marriage as it is today as being a construct of Catholocism to perpetrate law and government onto a sacred union. The Bible defines marriage as a holy covenant before God and that marriage simply involved a declaration of intent in the presence of witnesses. The Jews created tradition and their own laws around this which where then incorporated by Constantine’s interpretation of religion. [/quote]

Am I the only one that didn’t know csulli was also Brother Chris? I feel like the last kid to find out there’s no Santa Claus.[/quote]

Why would I be csulli? I barely know who that is except that he recently asked about my major surgeries and he looks a lot bigger than me.