charles poliquin... cant add size to your biceps? try working the forearms

Hi. have anybody tried this forearm routine?
And have you got any pics of this two or can you plaese explain to me (I understand palms upp and down, but not decline and incline) thanks:

Decline barbell, palms up wrist curls and Incline EZ-bar, palms down wrist curls

Decline Barbell palms up wrist curls: Position your body as if you were doing a decline bench press (supine) with your arms essentially at the top position of a REVERSE curl. Flex your wrists so that your fingers begin to point away from your face instead of toward it.

Incline EZ Bar palms down wrist curls: Sit as if you were doing an incline bench press with your arms in the top position of a regular curl (wrists supinated). Extend the wrists away from the face.