Carb Cycling Newbie

I have started a 12 week carb cycling program, and currently in week 4. Goal to lose 18 more pounds, already have dropped 7. My protien options are completely boring to me and I never want to eat chicken ever again. Without adding lots of toppings or anything, what are good things to do to make it easier to go down. Today I am on my High rotation, which is nice and easy to get through today :slight_smile:

Chicken, cooked right, are juicy.

Learn to cook.

There are butt loads of recipes in this place alone.

Check out Optimal Nutrition web site also.

You can go with ground turkey too.

But mainly, learn how to cook.

It is Carb Cycling not Chicken Blasting

You can eat tuna, lean beef, turkey, eggs, etc…

[quote]orangstar wrote:
Without adding lots of toppings or anything, what are good things to do to make it easier to go down. Today I am on my High rotation, which is nice and easy to get through today :)[/quote]
Get in a time machine and go back to the store and buy pork or beef.

On a serious note, wrap it in bacon before you cook it. And don’t bitch out on the bacon, buy the real wood smoked extra thick stuff.

[quote]Vince_fr wrote:
It is Carb Cycling not Chicken Blasting

i thought i was the only one that has ever noticed this… lol. good to know. :slight_smile: