Cant Walk

Two days ago, I went to the gym and decided to try out the Leg Adductor machine. Now my inner thies are so sore I can hardly walk. I have tried stretching but it is just painful, anyone have some ideas of what i should do?

Wait about 3 days you should be fine

Just deal with it bro!! Seriously, I use those machines all the time because I am a martial artist, and they really help with my front cut kicks, side kicks and axe kicks. However because they hit muscles your not used to using…they will make you sore as hell for a while. To be very honest tho, unless your involved in the martial arts and do certain kicks, I do not really see the real life benifit of them, but I could be wrong.

That sounds like the same soreness I get from riding horses, I have never found anything that helps. I have found, however that ‘walking funny’ to ease the pain only causes more pain in the knees and hips, so bear with it and try to walk normal. (take some advil too!)

Advice: don’t do the girly machines. Just kidding … same thing happened to me about a year ago. Just drink a ton of water and stretch as much as you can. Stretching may be painful for the next few days, so do it light and don’t push it too hard. If you can find a nice hottie to massage some Ben Gay into your thighs, that will help too… otherwise, just massage yourself with cream or regular ol’ skin cream so your hands don’t cause too much friction against your skin. If you’re like me, this will be a “good pain” kind of thing. I have never realized any real benefits from hip abductor machine … has anyone on this list? I figure squats, deads, leg curls, good mornings, etc., should be enough for development.