I can work on my truck for 14hrs straight a day no problem, but I can’t sit down and write papers for 5min straight without fucking off on the internet or napping, or something else. Takes me forever to do my coursework, and considering I have to write about 15 papers a term, I spend an inordinate amount of time at my desk, most of it wasted of course. Anyone else have a similar problem? How do you focus? I’ll be glad when I graduate in few months.
I’m a cheap bastard so I only pay for the essentials. If you want to increase your concentration is the same as your training.
Start every day with a schedule and set aside x hours to write. Start writting and when you feel the need to do soemthing else note the time. The goal is next time to beat this max time.
Stand up, drink some water, take a leak or whatever you want, but come back and break that max time again.
Do that every day and in 1 year you can sit down for 1 hour easy writting and concentrated. I do suggest you take breaks every hour or every 45 min for back health.
I have a similar problem :
I can’t study at home,I can’t focus,I always end up doing something else : internet,snacks,TV…
Going to the library helped me a lot.
The environment there remids me that I went there to study
[quote]sawadeekrob wrote:
I’m a cheap bastard so I only pay for the essentials. If you want to increase your concentration is the same as your training.
Start every day with a schedule and set aside x hours to write. Start writting and when you feel the need to do soemthing else note the time. The goal is next time to beat this max time.
Stand up, drink some water, take a leak or whatever you want, but come back and break that max time again.
Do that every day and in 1 year you can sit down for 1 hour easy writting and concentrated. I do suggest you take breaks every hour or every 45 min for back health.[/quote]
I think I might try this and make a game out of it.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I use nootropics (vinpocetine, huperzine A, aniracetam) to facilitate focus on a purely biochemical level.
I employ trips to a hypnotherapist (when I can afford them) to get back in touch with my inner motivation.
That actually works? The hypno thing? Are those OTC supps you listed there?
I’m the same, how many times I’ve gotten 80ish percentiles doing last minute work. It’s getting better though, I just turn on some music and eventually get into a groove.
I’ve noticed that as soon as I see progress I work harder at doing schoolwork in general. Or if I’ve done exceptionally well on something.
Do short intense periods of work, the same way you’re supposed to work out.
Take breaks.
Find good stimulants, too.