Can I Take Whatever Dose I Want?

Those that do not have erections on TRT probably have other medical problems, there aren’t enough good hormone doctors, so I think it has more to do with people go to doctors that do not specialize in hormones and most chose to go to these doctors because insurance pays it.

Then you have the men who abused testosterone and/or drugs causing damage, men with mental problems for which TRT doesn’t always cure. I see men everyday on T-Nation with incorrect lab testing, missing tests and just straight up inexperience doctors who do not know the first thing about hormones.

Then you have those with erectile problems which is just do to genetics.

Absolutely not. If a doctor prescribed you a certain dosage of Xanax for panic attacks or a certain dose of Norvasc for blood pressure, you wouldn’t self-medicate with “whatever dose you want” because it would be irresponsible.

Injecting TRT every two weeks is generally considered to be inefficient, and once a week is a much more standard starting point, but you should discuss any change in treatment with your doctor.

If you don’t feel confident in your doc’s ability to provide the level of care you’re expecting, find one that does. That that same approach whether we’re talking TRT, cardiovascular health, cancer treatment, an internist, whatever.

Random self-taught people on the Internet who’ve managed to fine-tune a TRT protocol for themselves are one thing. A urologist or endocrinologist who’s spent 5+ years in specialized study, achieving board certification, and having (preferably) many more years treating dozens and dozens and dozens of different people are something else.

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I would normally agree with you. I’m a doctor myself and it would be frustrating for a patient to do whatever they wanted. I feel that I’m in a difficult spot because I’m not even seeing the urologist ever, just the nurse. I don’t know where else to go as Delaware is a small state with few specialists. I drove out to Philadelphia and had an even worse experience. I suppose I can keep trying different places but I have two young kids so time isn’t exactly abundant. Where it gets more confusing is the number of people on these forums saying how little doctors (urologists and endocrinologists) know on this matter…which is what I have been observing at the place I go to. I’ve listened to podcasts of other TRT specialists saying the same thing.

At the end of the day, you’re right, regardless of the reason or situation, it’s an irresponsible question.

There are lots of telemedicine clinics out there that do have experienced doctors, Google telemedicine clinics and use the reviews to determine which one is appropriate. This may be your only option other than traveling.

I went to endo. He did same thing. But only went so I could validate the need to my insurance and wife. Got my script cleared insurance approval picked up my meds. And then started looking for a new doctor. Was honest with new doc and told him I didn’t like the endo and could he please take over. Showed him all previous labs and rx. So far happy

My visit to endo a couple years ago was significantly worse than urologist. They saw all my hormones normal except low T and he concluded that the erectile dysfunction was in my head and recommended I see a therapist. Said I need to exercise and diet more, that’s it. Again I’m 5’6 and weigh 155…sure I could lose a few pounds but pretty sure my weight is not the cause of my low T.