[quote]Magicpunch wrote:
Vinnie and h0rsepower - thanks a great deal for your help. I run around looking for a kill too much, and it just means I get shot before I’ve even seen the guy!
Yasser - what’s a dropshot? Is that the thing that everyone seems to be doing to me, where I shoot at them and they just go prone? And it means I’m just shooting air … and then I’m dead?[/quote]
Yes, better than a bunny hop that you have in Halo. Go prone and by the time your prone you have one more shot to kill them and you’re super accurate.[/quote]
Unfortunately, I’ve never played Halo! Supposed to be a decent game right? I’ll have to start practicing I guess.
This is what happens when you spend years playing counterstrike, and never use a console (until this year)
According to a beta tester the bots will go for headshots and are harder then some players. I imagine this difficulty could be adjusted. At least you won’t have to feel bad for your botmates if you go 1-20.
As Vinnie mentioned above there are times when you login and seems like all the “pros” are on and everyone has your number. Those times are rough.
Map knowledge is very important IMO to play well. You can get an idea of what routes people will take, where people will try to snipe you from and different entrances to kill that person that is sitting tight with claymores.
If you want to sharpen up, play MW2 online in hardcore realism mode. After playing that for 3 months, I became a goddamn killing machine in the normal game. Triple tap with the M16 and its game over.
I never understood the point of the bloody prestige mode? Especially if you play it through ten times. I thought they would give you some kind of tactical nuclear weapon for your troubles. Otherwise I might have tried to do it.
Nothing was more satisfying for me than unlocking 007 mode on goldeneye on the N64. That took some doing but man was it worth it. Twin gold plated AK47’s? I’ll take those please!
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
If you want to sharpen up, play MW2 online in hardcore realism mode. After playing that for 3 months, I became a goddamn killing machine in the normal game. Triple tap with the M16 and its game over.[/quote]
I should try this mode tonight. I hear it is a great way to do the pistol challenges.
I am a die hard rusher though, so not sure how much this would jive with that.
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
I never understood the point of the bloody prestige mode[/quote]
The prestige rewards are a bit lackluster. However, after I get to lvl 70 I play for a few days then realize that it was more fun when I gained levels when I kill.
[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:
If you want to sharpen up, play MW2 online in hardcore realism mode. After playing that for 3 months, I became a goddamn killing machine in the normal game. Triple tap with the M16 and its game over.[/quote]
I should try this mode tonight. I hear it is a great way to do the pistol challenges.
I am a die hard rusher though, so not sure how much this would jive with that.
You wont last long rushing in hardcore mode. It really makes you play tactical and learn the maps, and your accuracy has to improve just to survive.
I wish they had the MW2 killstreaks with the original MW maps. I loved rushing. All everyone does on the new MW is post up with an m16 or noob tubes. You can barely rush except on favela. The only time I have a lot of fun on that game is Tac knifing with lightweight, marathon, commando. Went 65-4 on favela domination once.
Edit: I like posting up occasionally, but it’s a lot less fun. Infinite noob tubes with one man army was the worst idea they’ve ever had.
Question: are there killstreak rewards? They get annoying.
Also, COD:MW2 was my first COD game and I loved it. Past tense.
I still play occasionally, but those FUCKING NEWB TOOBERS totally ruined it for me.
I’ve spent about $90, including the two expansion packs, and IW continues to let people OMA and newb toob all fucking day. Take that crap out of the game.
[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
I’m kind of excited that it has “Online retard training mode.” For those of us who go 0-99 when playing online. And then the little kids make fun of me.
And then I drink.[/quote]
There’s your problem. You’re supposed to drink BEFORE you play.
As far as kill streaks. on MW2 you can play in barebones mode which has all kill streaks turned off. Noob tewbs suck. But just learn to use them as they are used on you. The SCAR and ACR rule. The Spas 12 fucking owns as well.
I wish I enjoyed objective based games. Gotta say I’m simply a TDM guy. I can kill like crazy in TDM with low deaths but in objective based games I suck terribly.