Burien Top Team | Training Log


BW: 151.0 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 55 / 55 (10)
Wednesday steps: 15.2k+
AM walk? Yes

Week 4, Day 2 - Strength

Tempo intervals - airdyne
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard (HR>140) + 60 seconds active rest (HR<130)
10 rounds
1:30 minute cool down
13:09 minutes / 3.3 miles / 76.0 calories

Conventional deadlift
95 lbs x 10 / 125 lbs x 8 / 145 lbs x 6
EOM 165 lbs x 3 x 10
EOM Three 84" long jumps (approx. 2m)

Trying to figure out how to write up this exercise. Basically alternating between the jumps one minute and the lifts the next (EOM= every other minute). Focusing on not “shrugging” once I’ve brought the weight up. I’ve got long arms and have always felt that there was a certain “spot” where the deadlift should end and to make that happen I inadvertently shrugged the final few inches of the lift.

DB row / DB bench superset
40 lbs / 30 lbs x 10
50 lbs / 40 lbs x 8
EMOM 60 lbs / 50 lbs x 5 x 5

Added 5 lbs across the board. Careful on the loading for the shoulder. But so far so good.

Been undermining my diet with late night raids on the pantry ($#%@ peanuts …). Brutal. Must stop.



BW: 149.6 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 62 / 49 (7)
Thursday steps: 13.4k+
AM walk? No

Week 4, Day 3 - Conditioning (STIM)

Tempo intervals - rower
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard (HR>140) + 60 seconds active rest (HR<130)
20 rounds
1:30 minute cool down
25:19 minutes / 4.25km / 215 calories

Wild numbers on my Morning HR. Atypical. Lower HRV after weight training no surprise.

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BW: 150.6 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 56 / 56 (9)
Friday steps: 8.2k+
AM walk? No

Week 4, Day 4 - Conditioning (DEV)

Weighted Stairmaster
10:38 minutes / 101 calories / 600 steps
Av HR 151
Max HR 169

Spent 7:05 minutes in the Red (overload) zone. 2:13 minutes in the Blue (conditioning) zone. 1:20 minutes in the Green (recovery zone).

10 minutes / approx 50 calories / 0.55 miles
Av HR 143
Max HR 153

0:52 minutes in recovery zone (Blue). 8:49 minutes in conditioning zone (Green).

Farmer’s Walk (two 40 lb KBs)
30 seconds walk / 30 seconds rest
10:23 minutes
Av HR 124
Max HR 136

Forgot to put on my weight vest, so overall weight was less than planned. The 40 lbs KBs also seemed on the easy side. Will up the weight next time out.

Weighted incline treadmill walk
3.38 miles / 539 calories / 60 minutes
Av HR 137
Max HR 149

Spent 21:29 minutes in Green (recovery) zone. Spent 38:40 minutes in Blue (conditioning) zone.

Conditioning Breakdown
Green (HR<137): 34:30 minutes
Blue (HR 138-154): 52:00 minutes
Red (HR>154): 7 minutes

Goal is to maximize the amount of time spent in the Red Zone.

Using Joel Jamieson’s Morpheus system with a Polar chest strap for the measurements. Did this workout largely fasted. Sipped a protein shake and ate half a roll of Smarties. but that was it for calories. Weighed 148.2 lbs when I got home. :facepunch:t5:


It’s a great system and I know Joel, and he’s a great guy. Double win!!


I’ve been a fan of his for a long time. His 8 Weeks Out book was my conditioning bible when I was training jiu-jitsu actively. I’m re-discovering him a little bit these days.

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BW: 151.0 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 54 / 52 (7)
Saturday steps: 17.3k+
AM walk? No

Week 4, Day 5 - Strength

Tempo intervals - rower
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard (HR>140) + 60 seconds active rest (HR<130)
10 rounds
1:30 minute cool down
13:12 minutes / 2.37km / 122 calories

BB back squat
bar x 10 / 95 lbs x 8 / 125 lbs x 6
20 minutes:
EOM 145 lbs x 3
EOM Three 24" box jumps

DB row / DB bench superset
40 lbs / 30 lbs x 10
50 lbs / 40 lbs x 8
10 minutes:
EOM Row 60 lbs x 5
EOM Press 50 lbs x 5



BW: 151.2 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 60 / 48 (5)
Sunday steps: 10.9k+
AM walk? Yes

Week 4, Day 6 - Conditioning

Cardiac output (HR btw 120 and 137 bpm)

Weighted incline treadmill
2.64 miles / 398 calories / 45:43 minutes
Average HR 126
Max HR 141

Managed to keep my HR in the upper end of the blue zone for all but a few minutes of the 45. Took about seven minutes to work up to 120 bpm. I’d like to shorten that a bit.

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BW: 149.6 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 67 / 49 (6)
Monday steps: 16.1k+
AM walk? Yes

Week 4, Day 7 - Strength

Was supposed to do Zerchers and SLDLs. But wrote up a straight deadlift program for today in my log book, so I did that instead. I’ll do the Zerchers and SLDLs on Thursday as “Week 5, Day 2”.

Tempo intervals - Airdyne
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard (HR>140) + 60 seconds active rest (HR<130)
10 rounds
1:30 minute cool down
13:10 minutes / 3.3 miles / 70.8 calories

Conventional deadlift
95 lbs x 8 / 125 lbs x 6 / 145 lbs x 4
20 minutes
EOM 165 lbs x 3
EOM Three 84"/2m long jumps

DB row / DB bench superset
40 lbs / 30 lbs x 10
50 lbs / 40 lbs x 8
10 minutes:
EOM Row 60 lbs x 5
EOM Press 50 lbs x 5

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BW: 149.0 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 53 / 54 (10)
Tuesday steps: 9.5k+
AM walk? No

Week 5, Day 1 - Conditioning

Zone 2 / Cardiac Output

Weighted Stairmaster
5:10 minutes / 51 calories / 19 floors

Weighted incline treadmill
2.64 miles / 387 calories / 45:25 minutes
Average HR 123
Max HR 131

Tried to start with weighted Stairmaster climb to get my HR up earlier. Unfortunately, by the time I got set up on the treadmill, my HR was back under 100.

Wide variation in calorie tracking between machines and the Morpheus. I wonder which is more accurate.

This workout felt a little harder than the last. The “Stairmaster start” might have something to do with that. Also began walking at a faster pace than usual (3.5 mph vs 3.3 mph) - though less aggressive with the incline increases.

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BW: 148.6 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 53 /55 (9)
Wednesday steps: 10.3k+
AM walk? No

Week 5, Day 2 - Strength

Tempo intervals - Rower
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard (HR>130) + 60 seconds active rest (HR<120)
10 rounds
1:30 minute cool down
13:14 minutes / 2.3m / 119 calories

Zercher squats
bar x 10 / 70 lbs x 8
EMOM 95 lbs x 5 x 5

Barbell SLDLs
bar x 10 / 70 lbs x 8
EMOM 95 lbs x 5 x 5

DB row / DB bench superset
40 lbs / 30 lbs x 10
50 lbs / 40 lbs x 8
10 minutes:
EOM DB row 60 lbs x 5
EOM DB bench press 50 lbs x 5

Bought a slice of chocolate cake from the supermarket yesterday. Haven’t eaten it and probably will end up freezing it for the future. Interesting that it was an impulse purchase, without any real craving for it. I’ve noticed that as I’ve dropped below 150 lbs: a temptation to return to old habits, but no real “gravitational pull.”

I think my body is realizing that I’ve been depriving it of calories and is seeing what it can do to get me to stop. Nice try.



BW: 148.8 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness): 60 / 49 (6)
Thursday steps: 6.6k+
AM walk? No

Week 5, Day 3 - Conditioning (STIM)

Tempo intervals - Airdyne
1 minute warm up
10 seconds moderate hard + 60 seconds active rest
20 rounds
1 minute cool down
25:47 minutes / 6.3 miles / 124.4 calories

Got a nice “shot in the arm” early in the day today. Needed it more than I knew.


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BW: 148.0 lbs
waist: 33 1/2"
Morning HR/HRV (Readiness):
Friday steps: 7.4k+
AM walk? No

Week 5, Day 4 - Conditioning (DEV)

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

10 minute AMRAP
Rounds completed: 7

Weighted incline treadmill
2.0 miles / 263 calories / 36:19 minutes
Average HR 128
Max HR 137

Tried out a CF workout for the DEV day. Did a mini-version, going 10 minutes instead of 20. I got 7 rounds at a pace of one round every 90 seconds. HR was almost certainly in the Red/Overload zone for most of it. Will give it another run next Saturday, maybe with a slower pace and more rounds.



BW: 148.6 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV(R): 59 / 49 (7)
Saturday steps: 11.1k+
AM walk? Yes




BW: 150.2 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV (R): 62 / 44 (4)
Sunday steps: 8.1k+
AM walk? No

Week 1, Day 1

Tempo Intervals - Rower
10 rounds / Av HR (Max): 116 (141)

Long Jump / Deadlift superset
5 rounds EOM
2m long jumps x 5
165 lbs x 5

EOM pace was a little too fast. Doing five jumps for performance (rather than just for conditioning) takes more time - as does taking my shoes on and off and lacing up. I ended up starting the deadlifts about ten seconds after my last jump to try and keep up. Will probably just use a 60 second rest between sets and see how that goes.

Triceps cable pressdowns (two sets to failure)
72 1/2 lbs x 12, 9

Bicep cable preacher curls (two sets to failure)
55 lbs x 9, 6

Starting my new program ahead of a return to the mat in early August. Celebrated my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday with an epic Chinese feast of pork and chicken (and very non-Chinese chocolate cake) Saturday night. I’m still recovering - and still looking to tick 145 lbs ahead of the August check-in.

Training will be based on the “bodybuild the upper, athlete the lower” principle. Conditioning will be a priority, aiming for 180 minutes of targeted cardio a week: 120 minutes of Zone 2, 40 minutes of tempo work, and 20 minutes of intense/red zone work.



BW: 151.2 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV(R): 56 / 56 (6)
Monday steps: 9.0k+
AM walk? No

Week 1, Day 2

Tempo Intervals - Airdyne
10 rounds / Av HR (Max): 123 (145)

Box jump / Back squat superset
5 rounds w/one minute max rest btw exercises
24" box jumps x 5
145 lbs x 5

This pacing was much better than the EOM pace.

DB row / DB bench superset
5 rounds w/one minute max rest between exercises
DB row 60s x 5
DB bench press 50s x 5



BW: 150.6 lbs
waist: 33 3/4"
Morning HR/HRV (R): 55 / 56 (7)
Tuesday steps: 5.5k
AM walk? Yes

Week 1, Day 3

Cardiac output - Weighted incline treadmill walk
2.56 miles / 417 calories / 45:19 minutes
Average HR 126
Max HR 145

Average was fine. But spent a little too much time with HR above 137. The trick is to maintain between 120-136.

Achilles a little sore from two back to back days of jumping. May look to rearrange schedule starting next week to give me a few days in between.




BW: 151.6 lbs
waist: 33 3/4"
Morning HR/HRV (R): 54 / 54 (9)
Wednesday steps: 15.3k+
AM walk? Yes

Week 1, Day 4

Tempo intervals - Rower
10 rounds / Av HR (Max): 121 (138)

Leg extension
110 lbs x 13, 13

Barbell SLDL
EMOM 135 lbs x 5 x 5

Triceps overhead extension
52 1/2 lbs x 13 (!), 7 (!)

Biceps face-away curl
55 lbs x 10
65 lbs x 8 (!)
75 lbs x 3 (!)

Started too heavy with these. Just did two additional sets to failure.



BW: 150.8 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV(R): 65 / 50 (9)
Thursday steps: 8.9k+
AM walk? Yes

Week 1, Day 5

Cardiac output - Weighted incline treadmill walk
2.52 miles / 376 calories / 45:43 minutes
Average HR 122
Max HR 135

Sweet spot seems to be 3.3 mph at 6% with the vest for Zone 2.



BW: 149.0 lbs
waist: 34"
Morning HR/HRV(R): 65 / 50 (9)
Friday steps: 17.1k
AM walk? Yes

Week 1, Day 6

Tempo intervals - Airdyne
10 rounds / Av HR (Max): 123 (147)

Seated leg curl
110 lbs x 15, 15

Zercher squats
5 rounds EMOM 135 lbs x 5

DB row / DB bench superset
5 rounds EOM
DB row 60s x 5
(alternate with) DB bench press 50s x 5

Decided to stop noting warmup sets and reps in my log. Was helpful as a backup in case I lost track of what I was doing. But at this point I can work backwards from my latest top set if necessary.

Stumbled across a very creative brabo/d’arce choke escape and back take from B-Team Founder Craig Jones. Comes on the heels of a nice katagatame counter I saw a few weeks ago. I think that’s one of the things I’m looking forward to about returning to the mat: getting into bad situations just to see if I can get out of them. #escapeartistry


Have a video?

I just started following along, so apologies. Why the time away?

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Recurring injuries. Knee and shoulder.