Brokeback Mountain: The Director’s Bulk

Outsourcing W1D3

Press: 165x4, 155x5
Squat: 295x5/5
Cable Row: 180x8/8
Hamstring Curl: 170x8


Law applications sent out at NYU, Michigan, WashU, Duke, Cornell, Northwestern, Penn, Vanderbilt, and UVA today.

UChicago is having an issue with their application portal, but that will be submitted as soon as it’s resolved.

Georgetown, Stanford, Columbia, and Harvard open at different points over the next two weeks. One of my professors set up a phone call between me and a UA alumnus at Georgetown, so that I can enhance my “why do I want to go here” supplemental essay and namedrop her. Which is apparently a valid strategy.

In terms of lifting, W1 was mostly intended for my coach to figure out where my starting point was in terms of strength/technique/injury, and now the actual fun starts (albeit quite light at first). One week of lifting has been accompanied by more marked improvement in my pain than four-ish weeks of rest, so take from that what you will.


Good luck!

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Save some scholarship money for me.

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@EmilyQ @tlgains Thanks! Now we wait lol.

Outsourcing W2D1

Bench: 165x5/5
Con. Deadlift: 305x5/5
Lat Pulldown: 105x8/8
Barbell Curl: 85x8/8
Lateral Raise: 20x10/10

All super light. Not much to comment on


They are the ones that care about money. It is how they keep score.

When you don’t care - because you realize enough is enough and all you need is within - you get to watch the simulation, the game, the matrix and have compassion for those that do care.

I so wanted my son to go to Princeton, and he wanted to go there (but it was not his first choice) because I thought it would reflect well on me and that others would think more of him. But he ended up at UCONN and it was his first choice and he is happy there.

Trust the process and go to the school that fits you - whatever that is. Fuck it, go to Howard if that works.

My brother (that passed, not the asshole) went to Stanford, and did well. But he was a white kid from a middle class family in a school with scions of American politics and industry driving luxury cars while he was driving a 1969 Toyota Corona with a black priest statue on the dash that he called his sound system.

The daughter of the Secretary of State was in awe of him - because he got in on his merit.

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Outsourcing W2D2

Press 2.0: 145x5/5
Squat: 265x5/5/5
Chest-Supported Row: 145x8/8
Leg Curl: 160x8/8

Light all around.


Rehab/Outsourcing W2D3

Bench: 170x5/5
Deadlift: 315x5/5
Lat Pulldown: 110x8/8
Curl: 90x8/8
Lat Raise: 25x10/10

First good news of the law school application cycle. I got an interview with UVA. They accept ~90% of the candidates they interview in a typical year, so to get the offer within the first 5 days of the cycle is about as good of a start as I could’ve hoped for. Will spend the weekend reviewing the questions they’ve asked applicants in past years and drilling.