Boner and Liver Issues on TRT

Wow they found low e2 causes loss of sensitivity? My sensitivity definitely could be better and I’m on a ai. I can’t wait to see my blood this month. I was @30 for estrogen about 3 months ago and was told to stay the course. I’m also hot flashing and turning red in the face often.

It’s not in his head

Actually other than @s.gentz , no one has given any helpful insight

Too much or too little e2?

Well if it’s in your head no need for you to even have been here asking, go fix it in your head yourself since you even know it’s in your head apparently.

High E2 can also cause loss of sensitivity. The key to getting TRT to work well is getting E2 in a good range for you. For you is the key bit. Some can tolerate a little more, some need it a little lower, but there is a range.

You may hear “my E2 is at 70 and I have no symptoms so I can just leave it there”. Give it time… you will see some negatives down the road. Please ignore that saying if you hear it, along with high E2 is only protective or better still, you dont even need to check E2. Its probably the most damaging bits of misinformation thats come out of this community in the past few years.


That’s from low estrogen. Lab testing may not reveal a momentary crash in estrogen levels shortly after taking the AI, recovering days later when labs appear normal.

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It’s not estrogen that cause low sensitivity, estrogen can increase serotonin and for anyone who’s ever been on an antidepressant, low penil sensitvite is usually par for the course.

Again, this happens to me when I have high E2. I have no scientific data, just using my own personal experience. I think often low and high E2 symptoms can be similar.

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I’ve been as high as 130 and as low as 30. Both have not been good for me. 30 is definitely mostly good but not perfect.

I see you mentioned .25mg of arimidex a week. Are you taking this in one dose once a week? I assume, since at this point the pill is so small. I have higher end E2 and want to drop it just a little.

We all respond differently to this medication and you won’t have same results. I’m sensitive and take 1/2 twice a week with my t injection

Scary; my dr has said this. I insisted on a very small amount of AI when I said E2 spike.

Yes, .25mg once a week. It’s 1/4 th pill. A fleck at best; if I cut it again, it’d be dust.