Bill Lind on the History of PC

Great stuff:

I thought I’d slap this onto the post:

It’s interesting how the Frankfurt School and cultural Marxism have obviously influenced neoconservatives like Thomas PM Barnett who advocate a “soft colonialism” of sorts in an effort to “shrink the gap” and keep those pesky Third Worlders from invading us and ruining our economic prosperity. Those who oppose this Wilsonian vision are labeled … wait for it… racists:

I am like Osama Bin Laden because I prefer a “civilizational apartheid” to “shrinking the gap” and “soft colonialism.”

The “Invade the world/Invite the world” dynamic is, as Stromberg writes, a form of state coercion like busing. We are not free to live as we like because to do so would be racist.

It would be difficult to underestimate the power Barnett-like neoconservative Marxist thinking in our current plutocracy today. Consider the navy’s new slogan: “America’s Navy - a global Force for Good.” (Invade the world). After Nidal Hasan’s jihad, General Casey preached 3 sermons on the Sunday morning opinion circuit that contained praise for army doctrine on Diversity:

Invite the world. Lindsey Grahamnesty agreed:

[quote] Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican of South Carolina, and Sen. Jack Reed, a Democrat of Rhode Island, took also pains on Sunday to say that Muslims have served honorably in the military and at risk to their lives.

â??At the end of the day this is not about his religion â?? the fact that this man was a Muslim,â?? Senator Graham said on CBSâ??s â??Face the Nation.â??[/quote]

We can see the ideas of the Frankfurt School hard at work in America’s leaders today, both in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. Naturally, they’re at work in the White HOuse as well.