Can u please comment this cykle?
Im 25 y old male. Have been in the game in 6 years. Im about 180ibs. My benchpress is about 360-370ibs. i do 6 nice reps of 125ibs in bicepscurl. I used dianabol 2 years ago. Made great gains of only 500mg. Im ready to do another cykle now. Im going to use dianabol and sustanon250. My problem nr one is that I can only take orals, exept on day 1! Problem nr 2 is that I only have got 800mg of clomid. Maby i can get some hcg, but that is not for sure. When shal i take the clomid?
I realy need help on this!
My cykle:
day 1: 750mg sustanon + 40mg dianabol
day 2-14: 40mg dianabol
day 15: 20mg dianabol
day 16: 15mg dianabol
day 17: 10mg dianabol
day 18: 5mg dianabol
I would suggest that you don’t taper down the D-bol, it’s better to stop taking it rather than slowly reduce the amount of mg/day. 5mg - 10mg is ussually just as represive as 40mg. At any rate take the sust the first day and do a two week cycle of d-bol at 40mg/day. Since you’re low on clomid either start two days before your cycle ends taking 50mg every day for 16 days. Or take 50mg every other day for 32 days. If you can get hcg, which I doubt is needed, take it during the cycle.