Biggest Reason Not To Vote Bush

[quote]jackzepplin wrote:
Republicans DO get more ass, according to a recent report.[/quote]

So you think all people are divided into Republicans or Democrats and whatnot? Who’s stereotyping now?

Anyone ever thought of the stupidity of the whole notion that people register with a political parties? They eventually begin to define and associate themselves with their party. It’s like they never developed a personality and decided to get a prepackaged one by watching some asshole making a speech.

W2097 wrote:

"So you think all people are divided into Republicans or Democrats and whatnot? Who’s stereotyping now?

Anyone ever thought of the stupidity of the whole notion that people register with a political parties? They eventually begin to define and associate themselves with their party. It’s like they never developed a personality and decided to get a prepackaged one by watching some asshole making a speech."

Ever read your previous posts?

Straight out of the DNC playbook.

I’d be interested/shocked if you would say something positive about one of W’s policies.

Don’t be small and say something on the order of, “I like his hair.”

I mean a positive statement about one of his policies.

If you are big enough to do that, come on over and accept THE CHALLENGE.


[quote]w2097 wrote:
jackzepplin wrote:
Republicans DO get more ass, according to a recent report.

So you think all people are divided into Republicans or Democrats and whatnot? Who’s stereotyping now?

Anyone ever thought of the stupidity of the whole notion that people register with a political parties? They eventually begin to define and associate themselves with their party. It’s like they never developed a personality and decided to get a prepackaged one by watching some asshole making a speech.[/quote]

If the media says so, it must be true. No stereotyping going on here. Just the truth.

OK, that’s just silly. As for your notion about registering with a political status, it’s just a way of life. I am also Catholic, fifth-generation German, 1/16th Western Cherokee Indian, a T-Nation member, Kansan, a Dallas Cowboys fan, etc., etc… We identify ourselves however the hell we want. Although I may not always agree with TC, I sure as hell do like the guy’s thought process and articles. And, I’m still proud to call myself a T-National.

You’re just writing your response to be confrontational in a way that you probably wouldn’t be in person. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong ~ so be it.

At Texas A&M it’s still the shit to be a yell leader. Big time competition.

Great post - I’m still voting for GDub, though.

Gimmee a B
Gimmee a U
Gimmee an S
Gimmee an H

Waht’s that spell?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
At Texas A&M it’s still the shit to be a yell leader. Big time competition.

Great post - I’m still voting for GDub, though.

Gimmee a B
Gimmee a U
Gimmee an S
Gimmee an H

Waht’s that spell? [/quote]


[quote]Right Side Up wrote:
rainjack wrote:
At Texas A&M it’s still the shit to be a yell leader. Big time competition.

Great post - I’m still voting for GDub, though.

Gimmee a B
Gimmee a U
Gimmee an S
Gimmee an H

Waht’s that spell?


I guess that’s what happens when you learn to spell in the public schools… [Just givin’ you a little sh*t RSU]

Jeffr wrote:

"Ever read your previous posts?

Straight out of the DNC playbook."

Yeah right, they wish they were as good as me. :wink:

Jeffr wrote:

“I’d be interested/shocked if you would say something positive about one of W’s policies.”

I’m not going to pretend to remember a policy of W’s that struck me as something I was really fond of. He did sign a few good bussines and educational papers but I can’t really give him credit for that because it’s just routine stuff that would probably be signed by anyone. What I like about the Republicans in general is that they usually have their shit organized. That is admirable to me because I am this way. I like that they’re allways put together while the Democrats look at polls and masturbate. It’s more clockwork with the Reps.

And as for the challenge… although I don’t like the Democrats either, I lean left so I’ll join if you like.

jackzepplin wrote:

“You’re just writing your response to be confrontational in a way that you probably wouldn’t be in person. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong ~ so be it.”

I’m not just being confrontational. Ironic that a conservative person would put it this way. You’re the uppity ones on the forum. :slight_smile:

What I meant about the registering was that this notion greatly deminishes the actual thought process and brings forward more automatic function. The less people think when making choices the less worthy candidates the parties will offer. In the long run I think it does society more harm than good.