What are your opinions regarding weight gain and arm size?
Is it nessisary to increase body mass to gain size on the arms,eg gain 15 pounds to gain 1 inch on arms or is there another way to gain size without gaining to much weight.
EDT arm training is by far the best arm training I’ve ever used. If I can add an inch to my arms, (which I did in about 6 weeks), than anybody can. I followed the recommended program exactly as outlined and it works! Do a search on this website and you can pull it up and print it.
Gutlips, I’ve always thought what you wrote: more bodyweight = bigger arms. A few days ago I read Zeb’s remarkable forum concerning pullups/chins. I have approximatively Zeb’s same bodyweight. He is 2 inches taller than me. His arms are bigger. The possible explanation is that my bodyfat is higher. So if you raise your lean bodymass, keeping your bodyweight constant, you may get bigger arms.
Alternatively, take a look at Ian King’s “Great Guns in 12 weeks.” This is a program that increases arm size because it hits all the planes of the arms. I saw a good overall circumference gain by using this program even though my overall body weight increased only slightly.
[quote]T-Bone2 wrote:
Alternatively, take a look at Ian King’s “Great Guns in 12 weeks.” This is a program that increases arm size because it hits all the planes of the arms. I saw a good overall circumference gain by using this program even though my overall body weight increased only slightly.[/quote]
do u have a link to that article? i’ve searched for it, but all i can find is posts talking about it.
[quote]KnightRT wrote:
Back this up with a reference. I recall exactly the opposite. Poliquin himself was an example; he wasn’t that large or heavy, but he had massive arms.
“In general, improvements in arm measurement are related to gains in lean body mass. A good rule of thumb is that for every inch you want to gain on your arms, you need to gain roughly 15 pounds of equally distributed body mass. In other words, to make significant improvements in your arms, you have to gain mass all over your entire body.”
[quote]jo3 wrote:
T-Bone2 wrote:
Alternatively, take a look at Ian King’s “Great Guns in 12 weeks.” This is a program that increases arm size because it hits all the planes of the arms. I saw a good overall circumference gain by using this program even though my overall body weight increased only slightly.
do u have a link to that article? i’ve searched for it, but all i can find is posts talking about it.
Sorry Jo3, I missed your question. It is presented in four parts. Take a look in the archives:
I can’t find any specific counter to that (because the links search pulls up don’t work), but Poliquin’s one-day 3/8" arm cure makes me wonder just how much he believes the bodyweight correlation.
Good point! However, it also has to do with close grip chins my man. There is no better bicep builder in my opinion.[/quote]
How would you evaluate the biceps impact of narrow, parallel grip chins to that of chins on a bar? My experience is that I get a better biceps workout on the parallel grip, but this may happen simply because my grip is more of a limiting factor on the bar.
Just bumping this one cos I’m really interested in any thoughts on the impact of parallel grip chins on biceps (and back). The chin bar in my gym does not allow chins only med/wide grip pullups and parallel grip chins unfortunately. Smith machine is a bit too low for chins also.