Biden and Democrats Lied to Get Control of the Senate

Biden is nothing more than a corporate Democrat.

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I mean, thereā€™s no doubt there were shenanigans but I understood it exactly like this as I was following the news at the time it was killed in Senate. It was a very well timed tactic that they knew McConnell would try to kill. The definition of no-lose: it passes, they get to say they were the party that brought real relief. It gets killed, they get to point to Mitch and say ā€œhe hates the suffering citizens!1!1!ā€.

Shenanigans galore, and I think most people understand that ā€œimmediatelyā€ does not mean exact there and then when talking government. Shit they tried to get impeachment in immediately and the absolute best they could do was 2+ weeks later for the new legislative session. And that was a simple bill

But to the point, the intention was always to increase the $600 check to $2000. With the exception of some left wing fringe people nobody was really pushing for recurring $2000 checks.

Tagline under the headline: " Efforts to increase second-round stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000 died in the Senate. A new Congress will be sworn in on Sundayā€¦perhaps they will revive the idea."

And a little later: " The IRS has already started sending out the $600 second stimulus checks authorized by the recently enacted COVID relief law. If a deal to increase payments to $2,000 had been reached, the tax agency said it would have sent another payment for the additional amount to anyone who already received a $600 check"

ā€œBidenā€™s plan calls for adding up to $1,400 to the payments ā€“ totaling $2,000 for those eligible, according to a fact sheet provided by the administrationā€

I believe I originally read it in Politico or The Hill when it was first being discussed but not sure and Iā€™m frankly too lazy to go back and look for it.


ā€œBiden is a puppetā€
ā€œBiden is a coorperate Democratā€
ā€œBiden is merely a tool being used to push an agendaā€

I hear these arguments all the timeā€¦

Noticed your account is new but the way you write seems familiar. Have you been on t nation before?

Youā€™re exactly one year late with this.

But if your goal was to flashback to the earliest portions of the 2020 Democratic Primary season, well done.

No, I personally donā€™t have a problem with stimulus cheques. As long as its properly budgeted.
I donā€™t think Biden is really a commie, heā€™ll just use crypto Marxist viewpoints when he thinks he can get votes. I donā€™t think even members of the Communist party in Russia actually belief in the tenants they espoused, they just wanted power, and promised their followers a utopia that they were never going to deliver.

I do believe there are a lot of ā€œuseful idiotsā€ in politics these days who have been indoctrinated with Marxist views and donā€™t even realise it. That includes some conservatives too, but mainly the left.

ā€œAll animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than othersā€

Animal farm

i.e in a nutshell how communism turned out

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Because theyā€™re true. Unless you listen to right-wing propaganda talk about how left he is. Fucking joke!

What about those who are being indoctrinated by right-wing policies?

No, but all of us on the left must sound the same.

What about them?

I just read ā€œIndustrial Society and itā€™s Futureā€ by Kaczynski. It is not a super long read, and he gets into leftism and leftists and their properties with some depth. It was actually fairly interesting, and I agree with a bit of his philosophy (especially regarding peopleā€™s motivations for doing things).

I found some of the leftist stuff he said to be correct, but the I think in our current time one big factor (wanting to be part of a large organization that doesnā€™t really benefit the members) he talks about is more prevalent with the right (especially with the recent dedication to Trump). Of course this applies to people of all political affiliation.

The guy is clearly highly intelligent (obviously has mental illness though) by the writing. The quoted paragraph reminded me of the manifesto (not as well written, no offense).

Sounds interesting, I will put it on my reading list. Thanks.

Are you suggesting I also have a mental illness? If so whatā€™s your diagnosis professor? :slight_smile:

Just an FYI, I wasnā€™t trying to insult by comparing your paragraph to that of a serial killer. His manifesto I believe had some good ideas (his theories on human motivations), and some terrible ones (using violence to get his message out, technology being basically all bad for us).

It is about 35,000 words, so it is probably at least an hour to read it.

Those ā€œpeopleā€ have ruled for decades. What has it gotten us during that time?

Yes. Itā€™s Zep.

Okay, so who are you actually referring to? You had both Demā€™s, and Republicanā€™s over the decades. From what I can tell they offer pretty much the same stuff broadly speaking, only difference is the details and the motivations.

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Let the government keep the $1400 and just never put up whatever the fuck that sobbing was in the House again.

As much as you hear "Biden is a socialist ā€œBiden is a communistā€