Best Surge Flavor?

[quote]Patrick Vieira wrote:
I have tried them all to see which I thought was the best.

  1. rasberry
  2. original
  3. chocolate
  4. vanilla
  5. root beer…wouldnt recommend[/quote]


haven’t tried root beer though.

If you like chocolate, then pick chocolate. It taste like any other chocolate protein powder.

Raspberry is sweet, tastes kind of like candy with a hint of raspberry. I like it a lot.

So if you like sweets try original or raspberry. If you like chocolate just buy chocolate.

I’ve only tried original and raspberry. Original tastes like burning ass and the raspberry is ridiculously sweet and I can only stomach half a serving in about a liter of water…but supposedly it is worth it for its effects.

am i the only one that really likes the root beer float flavor?

[quote]swenjj wrote:
am i the only one that really likes the root beer float flavor?[/quote]

It’s nice once you get used to it and mix it really well. I think making sure you use really cold water helps a lot.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:
Raspberry rulez.[/quote]

ugggghh …i thought it sucked so bad i gave it away to some poor schmuck who couldn’t afford any protein.

ORIGINAL ALL THE WAY … i can’t wait to get home and mix it

[quote]swenjj wrote:
am i the only one that really likes the root beer float flavor?[/quote]

Root beer float is probably my second favorite flavor behind the chocolate.

I haven’t tried any of the other flavors, because the original is my favorite protein EVER! I just think it’s delicious. I do feel like drinking it is a post-workout reward.

Yeah I really like Root Beer Float too. All I buy is Original, Chocolate, and Root Beer Float. Raspberry got old to me, and Vanilla was just plain terrible.


Tried them all. I was a fan of the original flavor (although it was one of those aquired tastes type things). Once Rasberry came out I was instantly impressed. Vanilla came next and I didn’t like it at all, same with Rootbeer. Also it’s important to note that the Vanilla and Rootbeer do not mix instantly in water. You have to prepare them ahead of time and allow them 30 min - 1 hr to mix completely (and for the record chunky bits of Surge are painfully bad in any flavor).

Just tried Chocolate about a month ago and it is IMO by far the best flavor. Tastes like a really good chocolate milk!

I would recommend Chocolate Surge to anyone (and particularly to those souls who haven’t learned how to “appreciate” the taste of protein drinks), simply put it’s the first protein shake who’s taste makes the fact that it’s a protein shake a secondary consideration. If they sold it in a vending machine people would buy it like a Yoohoo.