Best Days to Incorporate These Exercises?

im doing a stronglifts 3x3 program for this cut that im working on and i want to add farmers walk bicep curl and shrugs. when would be the best days to include these. and please dont say any because i think these exercises would be good for my personal goals just need help fitting them in the right day. any other suggestions are welcome


You didn’t provide enough information for anyone to give you a response. “A Stronglifts 3x3” could mean anything on these forums, as people do all kinds of weird crap when Frankensteining a routine. You’d probably get more responses if you wrote down exactly what you do; also, you’ll probably answer your own question as you write out your routine.

If you do a calves/traps/abs day, you could do the farmer’s walks then. Shrugs as well, of course.

If you do an arms day…then biceps curl would fit in well then. If you do a back day, then it’d be fine there as well if you don’t do a separate arms day.