started out with flat bench with 135x10,185x10,225x10,260x9 and the 260x9 was a big pr for me okay then when to floor presses did 135x10 185x10 and 225x5 then when’t back down to 210x6 then incline bench did 135 for two sets of 10 and 165 for two sets of 10 then did declines for four sets of 10 with 225. my bw down to so that was good
I’m not sure if you were looking for advice or what, but I see that you have pretty clearly explained what you are doing in the gym and based on your thread title you would like to bench press three and a half hundo but haven’t yet.
So, here’s some food for thought:
-Your rep range seems high as hell. That looks like some bodybuilding workouts man. I’d do some more work in the 3-5 rep range to build that strength.
-Floor presses are okay I guess. I don’t do 'em, but there are some strong benchers who really like 'em.
-Inclines are just fine man. And your reps on inclines is probably fine too. That’s an assistance lift to the bench press, and you’re alright doin sets of 10 with assistance work.
-Declines… you can do those if you want, but personally I think they’re kinda worthless. The only time I ever do declines is when I have a bad day on the flat bench, and I wanna make myself feel better.
You didn’t mention any direct tricep work in there, maybe you do that on a different day, I dunno. Regardless, I recommend making close grip bench press your main tricep focus. You can do some skull crushers and dips too man that would be good.
Don’t forget to work your upper back too.
Good luck!
[quote]csulli wrote:
I’m not sure if you were looking for advice or what, but I see that you have pretty clearly explained what you are doing in the gym and based on your thread title you would like to bench press three and a half hundo but haven’t yet.
So, here’s some food for thought:
-Your rep range seems high as hell. That looks like some bodybuilding workouts man. I’d do some more work in the 3-5 rep range to build that strength.
-Floor presses are okay I guess. I don’t do 'em, but there are some strong benchers who really like 'em.
the reps are to trick my body i just got done with my heavy training with sets of 5s and 3s and im a strong believer if train heavy every week you will over train your body and the things about reps i work out with my trainer and i think hes knows what hes doing bc i would of set all the recorda for the 16 and 17 year old 242 weight class and in the 220 weight class in the apf.
-Inclines are just fine man. And your reps on inclines is probably fine too. That’s an assistance lift to the bench press, and you’re alright doin sets of 10 with assistance work.
-Declines… you can do those if you want, but personally I think they’re kinda worthless. The only time I ever do declines is when I have a bad day on the flat bench, and I wanna make myself feel better.
You didn’t mention any direct tricep work in there, maybe you do that on a different day, I dunno. Regardless, I recommend making close grip bench press your main tricep focus. You can do some skull crushers and dips too man that would be good.
Don’t forget to work your upper back too.
Good luck![/quote]