No, I’m CS.
No, I’m CS.
Forever BBB - c7w1d6
Friday - 24 December 2021
Workout: Hard conditioning, 1030-1135 (65 minutes)
5 rounds of:
a) 10 devil’s presses - 2x30 lbs
b) 10 chin-ups/pull-ups (strict, various grips)
Time: 14:34
2 chin-ups (to finish off 13 reps per grip)
Pwn’s The Last Castle in a 28-kg weighted vest - 8 rounds
a) Farmer’s walk - 25 yards - 2x77 lbs
b) 6 alternating DB snatches - L/R - 35 lbs
c) Farmer’s walk - 25 yards - 2x77 lbs
d) 10 KB swings - 24 kg
Time: 35:11
O. M. G.
Not sure who I think I am, but I probably have no business trying to do even a scaled version of one of Pwn’s workouts in a weighted vest. I went and did it anyway.
I wanted 10 rounds, probably should have called it at 6, somehow managed 8. I think I may regret that tomorrow, if not sooner, however.
Getting BB curls and tomorrow’s daily work in yet today is now incredibly unlikely—I’ve already pushed internal and external boundaries with this, so we’ll just have to see how things go.
Figured it might be that.
I’m an EE with a strong emphasis on circuit hardware and microcontrollers. @magick I believe is in the same field at a deeper level.
Fascinating how many nerds are here, I believe its been discussed at length before- it’s not coincidence.
That’s because the guys that AREN’T nerds are playing real sports while we are just lifting weights, haha
oh dope!
I have some other "because"s for ya. Basically this “revenge of the nerds” idea that the jocks turn doughy because they never had to work for it, and us nerds always had to work for it. The habit continues and now in middle age we can outperform them.
I just figure the dudes that join a forum to talk about lifting will be nerds, haha
Absolutely. And while my hypothesis is fun, that selection bias probably explains the phenomenon completely.
Happy Christmas to you and yours mate
Thank you, my friend. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well. Hope it’s a good one!
Merry Christmas Sven
You too, Tim—Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, man.
Merry Christmas!!!
In that case Merry Christmas and a Squatty New Year.
@Cyrrex, @anna_5588 - Merry Christmas to you as well!
@dagill2 - Timing will be key, but I’m not sure I can avoid it for an entire year—so, yes, 2022 will likely be The Year of the Squat for ol’ SvenG!
I must’ve mentioned Super Squats at dinner or something, because a few weeks ago it came up when discussing Christmas presents and my wife said outright she simply refused to buy it for me because of the tag line: she doesn’t want me to put on 30 lbs of muscle (haha).
But that didn’t stop my daughter!
Merry Xmas my man
Merry Christmas, Chong. All the best to you and yours!
Forever BBB - c7w1d7
Saturday - 25 December 2021
Workout: Easy conditioning + calves, 1235-1335 (60 minutes)
Seated CR - 210 lbs - 20, 20, 20
Weighted vest walk - 28 kg - 35 minutes
Definitely not fasted.
Managed to get this in before company shows up. Haven’t given up on daily work, jump rope, and BB curls just yet, but likelihood of getting those in yet today is diminishing…