Becoming Canis dirus - SvenG's Training Log

@freshyfresh - Amigo: You’re like the @throwawayfitness of Logging-Past these days—sometimes I’m not even done editing my posts and you’re in with the ‘like’!


(BTW, @throwawayfitness - If you’re still out there in the ether somewhere, my friend, I hope all is well with you.)


That’s one hell of a compliment! Thanks!

It’s also because when I wake up, I’ll check the website while still waking up. Then I see you’ve updated your log 30mins before I opened my eyes!


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Monday - 12 February 2024
Workout: 11 of 40, 0425-0555 (90 minutes)

Bar hang - 30 seconds
Goblet squat - 32 kg - 15

Begin: 0439; End: 0457; Duration: 18 minutes
Farmer’s walk - 4x25 yards - 2x65 lbs
Press - 145 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Pull-up - 10 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Deadlift - 295 lbs - 3, 3, 3
HLR - 10

Walk - 45 minutes

Fasted. Everything was slow this morning. Not like grindy slow, but slow-motion slow. All of the lifts felt really solid, despite moving like a sloth. (Or maybe because I was moving like a sloth?)


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Monday - 12 February 2024
Workout: Conditioning, 1745-1820 (35 minutes)

Push-up - 25, 25

??? - AMRAP, 15 minutes
Assault bike - 12 cal
Bench press - 225 lbs - 5
Alternating lateral squat - L/R - 50 lbs - 10
Rounds: 4 + 12 (5 full rounds in +2:30)

Bench press - 225 lbs - 5

Still in sloth mode…

Really, though, 10 reps of each leg with those lateral squats took a long time. Not to mention how hard mixing those up with 12 calories on the bike proved to be.

Oh, and I did another set of 5 reps on bench, and then very quickly into the last set of push-ups. Pump City, baby!


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Tuesday - 13 February 2024
Workout: 12 of 40, 0430-0555 (85 minutes)

Bar hang - 30 seconds
Goblet squat - 32 kg - 15

Begin: 0442; End: 0458; Duration: 16 minutes
Farmer’s walk - 4x25 yards - 2x65 lbs
Press - 145 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Chin-up - 10 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Deadlift - 295 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Ab mat crunch - 10 lbs - 10

Walk - 45 minutes

Fasted. Slow but solid again this morning.


Is this the main goal right now ?

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@simo74 - In a word, yes.

Really, though, I’m trying to undo all of the bad things that happened during Super Squats (no conditioning, no deadlifting, fat gain) while retaining the good things (work ethic, squat strength, muscle gain).

Maybe I’m trying to ride too many horses with my one ass?

It DID get really big during Super Squats—seriously, though, go checkout the freeze frame of the videos from my first workout to my last—so I’m going to ride all of these horses just as long as I can, haha!


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Tuesday - 13 February 2024
Workout: Conditioning, 1620-1655 (35 minutes)

Push-up - 25, 25
Seated calf raise - 175 lbs - 20, 20, 20
Devil’s press - 2x30 lbs - 10, 10, 10
Assault bike - 60 cal

That’s that.


I don’t think so, if you get really lean there will be some reduction in your 1RM for squat but that doesn’t really mean you lost the strength.

I have 3 more weeks of this bulk and then I will be riding the plains with you mate.

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Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Wednesday - 14 February 2024
Workout: 13 of 40, 0430-0600 (90 minutes)

Bar hang - 30 seconds
Goblet squat - 32 kg - 15

Begin: 0442; End: 0501; Duration: 19 minutes
Farmer’s walk - 4x25 yards - 2x65 lbs
Press - 145 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Pull-up - 10 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Deadlift - 295 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Ab wheel - ramp (19) - 8, 2

Walk - 45 minutes



Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Wednesday - 14 February 2024
Workout: Conditioning, 1735-1805 (30 minutes)

Push-up - 25, 25

??? - AMRAP, 15 minutes
Assault bike - 12 cal
(Short) BB drag curl - 50 lbs - 10
DB shrug - 2x65 lbs - 10
Rounds: 6 + 6.x (7 full rounds in +1:58)

Done. Back at it again in the morning!


There he is!


Look at him with his white profile picture. He think’s he’s slick. You can’t hide from us @throwawayfitness


Confident @throwawayfitness is still dominating the weights. His consistency is second to none!


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Thursday - 15 February 2024
Workout: 14 of 40, 0430-0600 (90 minutes)

Bar hang - 30 seconds
Goblet squat - 32 kg - 15

Begin: 0446; End: 0503; Duration: 17 minutes
Farmer’s walk - 4x25 yards - 2x65 lbs
Press - 145 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Chin-up - 10 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Deadlift - 295 lbs - 3, 3, 3
HLR - 10

Walk - 45 minutes

Fasted. I’ve been very groggy in the mornings this week. Chins and the last set of deads felt pretty good today, the rest of it felt way harder than it should have.


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Thursday - 15 February 2024
Workout: Conditioning, 1725-1800 (35 minutes)

Push-up - 25, 25
Standing calf raise - 75 lbs - 20, 20, 20
Neck flexion - 20 lbs - 20, 20, 20
Neck extension - 20 lbs - 20, 20, 20
Assault bike - 60 cal

Not feeling too badly, all things considered. Gonna hold the calf raises and neck weights here for a week or two to see how things go.


Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Friday - 16 February 2024
Workout: 15 of 40, 0430-0555 (85 minutes)

Bar hang - 30 seconds
Goblet squat - 32 kg - 15

Begin: 0442; End: 0456; Duration: 14 minutes
Farmer’s walk - 4x25 yards - 2x65 lbs
Press - 145 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Pull-up - 10 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Deadlift - 295 lbs - 3, 3, 3
Ab mat crunch - 10 lbs - 10

Walk - 45 minutes

Fasted. Felt pretty not-great until after the first set of OHP, then some adrenaline kicked in or something: I couldn’t be stopped. Definitely the best lifting workout of the week—and on a Friday morning, no less!


Good work in here the last 4 months

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@wardog2k - Thanks, my dude! So good to hear from you—you’re still crushin’ it, I assume?

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Easy Strength for Fat Loss

Friday - 16 February 2024
Workout: Conditioning, 1740-1805 (25 minutes)

Push-up - 25, 25

??? - AMRAP, 15 minutes
Assault bike - 12 cal
CS DB row - 2x50 lbs - 10
DB lateral raise - 2x12 lbs - 10
Rounds: 5 + 12 (5 full rounds in +1:30)

Still fasted. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’m just leaning into the fasted training when these days don’t go my way!