@freshyfresh - Amigo: You’re like the @throwawayfitness of Logging-Past these days—sometimes I’m not even done editing my posts and you’re in with the ‘like’!
(BTW, @throwawayfitness - If you’re still out there in the ether somewhere, my friend, I hope all is well with you.)
Fasted. Everything was slow this morning. Not like grindy slow, but slow-motion slow. All of the lifts felt really solid, despite moving like a sloth. (Or maybe because I was moving like a sloth?)
Monday - 12 February 2024 Workout: Conditioning, 1745-1820 (35 minutes)
Push-up - 25, 25
??? - AMRAP, 15 minutes
Assault bike - 12 cal
Bench press - 225 lbs - 5
Alternating lateral squat - L/R - 50 lbs - 10 Rounds: 4 + 12 (5 full rounds in +2:30)
Bench press - 225 lbs - 5
Still in sloth mode…
Really, though, 10 reps of each leg with those lateral squats took a long time. Not to mention how hard mixing those up with 12 calories on the bike proved to be.
Oh, and I did another set of 5 reps on bench, and then very quickly into the last set of push-ups. Pump City, baby!
Really, though, I’m trying to undo all of the bad things that happened during Super Squats (no conditioning, no deadlifting, fat gain) while retaining the good things (work ethic, squat strength, muscle gain).
Maybe I’m trying to ride too many horses with my one ass?
It DID get really big during Super Squats—seriously, though, go checkout the freeze frame of the videos from my first workout to my last—so I’m going to ride all of these horses just as long as I can, haha!
Fasted. I’ve been very groggy in the mornings this week. Chins and the last set of deads felt pretty good today, the rest of it felt way harder than it should have.
Fasted. Felt pretty not-great until after the first set of OHP, then some adrenaline kicked in or something: I couldn’t be stopped. Definitely the best lifting workout of the week—and on a Friday morning, no less!