2 huge name targets and an interview that in my opinion was a bit boring and pretty uneventful, but here it is in it’s entirety if anybody wants to see it who didn’t.,
2 huge name targets and an interview that in my opinion was a bit boring and pretty uneventful, but here it is in it’s entirety if anybody wants to see it who didn’t.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:,
2 huge name targets and an interview that in my opinion was a bit boring and pretty uneventful, but here it is in it’s entirety if anybody wants to see it who didn’t.[/quote]
While Beck is an incredible communicator and outright performer who has a good handle on the facts he’s about C- when it comes to interviewing people.
Yeah, he’s not real good at sit down interviews like this. He was also a bit under the weather. He does fine with guests, it’s just formal interviews that don’t seem to be his thing. This one isn’t terrible, it just leaves you with a “hmmm, ok” sort of dissatisfaction when it’s over.
I didn’t watch the interview - not enough hours in the day - but doesn’t Glenn Beck ask her “Who is your favorite founding father?” (something she seems to like to talk about a lot – the founding fathers, what they supposedly intended, etc) and her answer was “All of them!” (another non-answer, maybe because she doesn’t actually know jack shit about the founding fathers except that it sounds good to name-drop them a lot).
So all the founding fathers are equal? That sounds pretty fucking dumb, like an answer you’d give when you didn’t do your freshman history homework. Maybe somebody can spin this for me, and make it sound smart.
I’m glad Palin’s going to still be in the news a lot, because she makes the GOP look like a circus. She’s on par with a Jesse Ventura or Rod Blagoieovich (sp?) only with a higher profile, and unlike Blagoiovich she’s not going away anytime soon. At least Democrats have the decency to be embarassed about Blago. I wonder, a couple years from now, will you guys still be trying to argue that she’s really smart (the same way you argued that Bush was doing a great job as president, until the bitter end)?
Who’s your favorite founding father?