I’ve tried this approach and have to count in my head— which never works; I lose track of the duration of the eccentric or the rep number.
As a result, it’s one of my least favorite ways to lift.
I did. I was excited about the layout and I’m always enticed by the “be a little good at lots of stuff” selling points, but I hated the workouts because of all the stuff you and @believer423 laid out. I just felt like I was getting nothing out of those slow eccentrics, it’s a lot of time to invest into “eh, maybe?”, and it made the main lifts not feel bad ass at all.
I still want to find that special someone (program) that’s willing to do everything with me, but I’m at a point where I’m unwilling to take it slow…
Block 2, Week 3 Cluster Set
Regular Lifting
Back Squat 240 x 3, 255 x 3, 265 x 3
Bench Press 195 x 3, 205 x 3, 215 x 3
RDL 235 x 3, 245 x 2
Band crawl
I’ve never been particularly diligent about tracking PRs, though I think today’s squats and RDLs were personal bests. If not, they felt like PRs; everything except bench press is moving–and progressing–as well as I can remember.
The past couple years, I’ve been excited about moving well and being fit. I don’t know what’s changed, but lately, getting stronger is waaaay more appealing.
I have the same issue counting, especially when sets are HARD or reps are high. At least for me, keeping track of pauses isn’t as bad as the slow negative–and it gives me an excuse to never go over five reps.
It’s also hard, at least for me, to not cheat the reps and rush the count a little, especially near the end of the set.
For me, Eternal Warrior, as written, blurred the lines between intense and insurmountable.
My favorite program, hands down, for “a little bit of everything” was Fiready. I logged it here, above, starting with post 154.
This was 6 weeks to superhero for me
You’re so prepped your body knows there’s nothing left to do but get strong!
Well…slightly stronger, anyhow.
Block 2, Week 3 Cluster Set
Deadlift 285 x 3, 300 x 3
Incline Bench Press 180 x 3, 185 x 3, 190 x 3
Front Squat 180 x 3, 185 x 5, 190 x 3
Shoulder stuff (holy hell, my shoulder is wayyyy better than a few weeks ago!)
Everything felt solid today. I could probably milk this layout for another week or two, maybe lift 5-10 more lbs.
Or, I could be happy with where I am, enjoy the progress I’ve made, and switch gears next week. And that’s what I’m planning to do. On Friday, I’ll knock out some triples, then begin layers, one of my favorite programs, on Monday. Over the following 3-4 weeks, I’ll rotate through:
Back squat
Bench Press
Front squat
Incline bench press
while throwing in some chins, rows and a couple moderate weekly sets of deadlits.
Block 2, Week 4 Regular lifting
Bench Press 200 x 3, 3, 3
Back Squat 235 x 3, 240 x 3, 3
Incline DB Rows 83s x 3, 3, 3
Poundstone curls 20, 5, 3…meh, stopped here
Shoulder rehab
The last squat of the day felt a little wonky: I went up kinda crooked, one side rising out of the hole faster than than the other. Oddly, the first squat of the set felt tremendous, like my best squat of all time…it felt so…right.
Otherwise, onward and upward. Beginning Monday, I’ll run Layers for the next few weeks, then focus on getting back into shape.
Let’s go.
Nice. It’s important to like this stuff - do what you want!
I’ve been doing what I want more often. Most of these Thibs programs end with a week each of ramping to a 3, 2, or 1 RM.
Over the past year or two, I’ve become less interested in grinding myself to dust to crank out a few PRs. I’ve pretty much completely given up on the 1RM…the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.
So I end things a week or two early, then move on.
I haven’t checked your log recently–how did your experiment with Pendulum Training go?
It was good. I liked the variety. I lasted for half the program, nearing a record for me.
And this is probably because I’m so bad about updates
Completely understandable.
I mostly log because it makes me feel accountable to…something; it leaves some record of the small victories I earn against the iron.
But, ever since most of the coaches left, I’ve generally been spending less time on here.
A resounding endorsement!
Layers, Week 1
Back Squat
Ramp: 135, 175, 205, 225, 245, 255 x 2
Clusters: 225 x 5, 225 x 6, 235 x5
Slow ecc/pause: 175 x 6, 185 x 5
Continuous tension: 135 x until I fainted
Dips x some
Chins x some
Shoulder stuff x … some
I had forgotten how demanding layers are, especially the cluster sets when performed as written. They’re prescribed with 10-12 second rests; with squats, thats isn’t much time to rerack, catch my breath, and get it back together for the next rep.
Right now my legs have that strange, tingly, deadened feeling that almost certainly spells soreness for tomorrow. Look out, stairs!
Layers, Week 1
Bench Press
Ramp: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215 x 2
Clusters: 190 x 5, 190 x 5, 190 x5
Slow ecc/pause: 150 x 6, 150 x 6
Continuous tension: 115 x until I couldn’t
RDLs x ramp to 215 x 6
Shoulder stuff
My left shoulder got a little wonky during the 2RM ramp and cluster sets. Wise barley1 said, “Chill, younger barley1. You could easily add 5lbs next time. Give yourself more time to rehab the shoulder; you have done good work.” I like this guy.
I checked my notes. I’m 15lbs off last year’s best bench 2RM. If my shoulder continues to improve, I may get there yet.
As with squats, I’ve been sticking to the cluster sets as prescribed–12 second rests. It’s wayyy harder this way, it probably takes 10 seconds to reposition myself after each rep. In any case, I can probably add 5lbs here next workout, too.
Weight: 178ish
Layers, Week 1
Front Squat
Ramp: 95, 135, 155, 175, 185 x 2
Clusters: 165 x 5, 165 x 6, 170 x5
Slow ecc/pause: 125 x 6, 125 x 4
Continuous tension: 95 x until…done
Dips, Chins, Shoulder stuff x …some
As with most lifts, I haven’t been good at front squats…ever. After losing some weight, I became way worse. Now fatter, I’m reversing course and becoming less bad than before.
I left a bit of room with my max effort double, so I should see some improvement in the coming weeks.
Weight: 178ish (I think)
Layers, Week 1
Incline Bench Press
Ramp: 95, 135, 155, 175, 185 x 2
Clusters: 165 x 5, 165 x 5, 165 x5
Slow ecc/pause: 125 x 6, 125 x 6
Continuous tension: 95 x until…done
DL…worked my way up to 300; it flew…coulda woulda shoulda, but had a birthday party to attend
Felt like a solid effort all around. I left a few incline press lbs/rep in the tank so that I can lift more next time, lie to myself, and pretend that I’m getting stronger.
Oddly, by not focusing on the lift, or doing it very often, I’m deadlifting with zero back pain, easily tossing weights that used to leave me concerned about the integrity of my spine. There’s legitimately room to add weight/reps next time; in this case, without any self-deception.
Deadlifts actually made my shoulder feel better; benching these days is only slightly irritating, but only if I approach max weights or failure.
Weight: 178 (on Sat, after breakfast and lunch)
Layers, Week 2
Back Squat
Ramp: 135, 175, 205, 225, 245, 260 x 2
Clusters: 235 x 5, 235 x 6, 240 x 4
Slow ecc/pause: 185 x 5, 185 x 5
Continuous tension: 135 until done
DB presses x some
Curls x some
Shoulder stuff x … some
I didn’t quite find the groove today; things moved okay, but not great. Like last week, 10-12 seconds just didn’t seem enough time to rewedge under the bar and get tight. Occasionally, I deal with a weird slight lateral shift in the bottom position of the squat–I had that happening a bit today, too.
Then again, it was a solid enough effort to propel me towards my dream of middle aged jackedness. In the end, the effort is probably what matters most.
Weight: 178
Layers, Week 2
Bench Press
Ramp: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215 x 2
Clusters: 185 x 4 OUCH!
Slow ecc/pause: 150 x 6, 150 x 6
Continuous tension:
RDLs x ramp to 235 x 5
Shoulder stuff
My shoulder was not having the bench press today. I slightly reaggravated my AC joint by, of all things, taking a nap on the couch. Today, my left shoulder never felt stable–when this happens, it seems like there’s a governor switch in my brain that shuts down any attempts to bench heavier than 215lbs.
I read some Eric Cressey stuff at work today. He wrote that, with AC joint injuries, it’s best to completely eliminate front squats and dips. Easily done. I can replace front squats with a trap bar and dips with pushups.
Cressey also suggested modifying pressing to floor or board presses to prevent the elbows from traveling too far behind the sternum. Over time, you can gradually increase the ROM.
I ordered this to do just that:
Oddly, incline pressing isn’t aggravating, so I’ll keep at those for a while.
Looks like a few adjustments to my plan are in order; we’ll see how it goes.
Injuries blow.
Layers (Kinda), Week 2
Ramp: 135, 205, 235, 265, 300, 310, 320
3x3 @ 85% → 275 x 3, 3, 3
Curls, Triceps,
Shoulder stuff
The OG plan was to front squat today, but it puts strain on my left AC joint, which is cranky as of late. Deadlifts will work for now; if anything, I feel better after performing them. Today, I used, and probably will continue to use, a Thibs strategy of ramping to a daily max, then shooting for sets of 3 at 85% of the day’s best lift.
I’ll try to continue the pressing and back squatting workouts as planned, but am open to switching to a board press for some shoulder relief. If that doesn’t work, well… I’ll cross that bridge when I need to.