good back and massive wheels, but your chest is lacking and it also looked like your triceps were lacking? might have just been the angle.
other than that great work
good back and massive wheels, but your chest is lacking and it also looked like your triceps were lacking? might have just been the angle.
other than that great work
Thanks for the info, escpecillay the critiques. I need to be bigger and pack some meat on my chest. This is my side chest at 230.I weighed 215 in the other pics. Sorry the pic sucks.
Legs and back are fkn awsome.
I don’t give a shit about chest really, in my book as long as you lift decent for your weight and look half decent physqiue wise you’re doing pretty good.
Did I mention your quads are fkn hyuuge? They look to be a CUT 27"?
Nice bro.Good width and thickness.Your lats come down low so thats a plus too.The only thing I see is a need for bigger traps for balance.Keep shruggin and heavy deadlifts.Good job.
As viking666 said, you have great width and thickness on those lats. But if I may say so, it sort of seems like your delts aren’t keeping up to the rest of your arms/trapz. Might want to hit those more.
Oh, and that’s some damn good vascularity on those calfs.
Dont listen to all of these morons, you look like shit. You need to gain at least another 65 kilos before I’ll even give you a rating, yeah, that’s right, I said kilos. Scrawny bastard.
What does your diet and training look like?
[quote]rholdnr wrote:
Dont listen to all of these morons, you look like shit. You need to gain at least another 65 kilos before I’ll even give you a rating, yeah, that’s right, I said kilos. Scrawny bastard.[/quote]
^^ = retarded advice
[quote]rholdnr wrote:
Dont listen to all of these morons, you look like shit. You need to gain at least another 65 kilos before I’ll even give you a rating, yeah, that’s right, I said kilos. Scrawny bastard.[/quote]
5’10 225, decently lean ya not the biggest, nor the smallest Thanks for the hit?
Didn’t really mean to revive this old of an thread
[quote]hardcore99 wrote:
Didn’t really mean to revive this old of an thread[/quote]
Well since ya did any updates?
Well these pics are about year from the original ones, in addition they were taken after the Police Academy at about 210lbs. I had no time to weight train all funcitional movements, running, jumping jacks, sit-ups, 2 1/2 hour PT sessions, all on maybe three meals a day for 16 weeks. My final pt test score was 83 pushups in minute, 56 full situps, .5 mile in 3:32, and 23 inch vertical jump (hey I am stocky white boy). I trained constantly, some days I swear I did a thousand pushups.
My goal is to put back on the mass I lost.
Another, dont have any leg pics, they look about the same as the original pics, my legs are naturally big.
I think in this pic I look flat, My body in these pics is more of a endurance, survival type physique. Able to perform massive amounts of exercise on no fuel. Basically like when I was in the Marines. If was to go back into the Infantry again, I would not eat six-meals a day, I would go down to two a day and train constatnly. Every free second I had I would do pushups, situps etc.
In war time you have to be able to go long periods without eating, and still able to perform massive amounts of exercise. twenty-five mile marches with 100lbs gear and nothing but water, oh ya brother good times lol lol. However, I do look better when I am eating, resting, and bodybuilding.
Ya I got some work to DO!!!
Which physique do you think looks better, the old heaveir one, or the post police academy? In th police academy pics I am holding a ton of water, to get through the 2 hour pt sessions I was taking in a ton of water and salt because I would lose it during the sessions.
My current lifting stats are high rep squats 315 for 25-32reps (3 sets), my legs respond much better to this type of training. Bench usually 315 for 3-4 sets of 6-12 reps, dont go super heavy on bench cause all it will do is cause injury, my chest responds better to more blood volume training.
Deads right now are 405x 10,8,6,4,2 the weight gradually increases. I do standing Military press pyramiding up to 225lbs for a couple of reps (obvisouly with some body action), most of the time I will stay at 155-185 with better form. Bent rows are 315x 10,8,6,4,2 again reps stay the same weight increases. At 239lbs today, I still ripped of a set of 20 pullups, then 15, then 10, (I have been doing pullups for years) and ran .5 mile in 3:42.
Meal 1&5- 1.0 lbs hamburger 90% lean, divided between the two meals, rice, black beans, asparagus, olive oil, and salt.
Meal 2, 3, 4- Same as 1&5 except 3.0 lbs chicken divided between the three meals. When it is time to bring my weight back down, I will adjust the carbohydrate and fat content via, rice, black beans, and olive oil. The amount of meat stays the same.
1-2 gallons water daily
Will post my 240lbs at 5’10 pics in a few days, then you guys can guess my BF at 240lbs.
17 years total of some type of training, if not weights, it was the Marines, Police Academy etc.
[quote]hardcore99 wrote:
My current lifting stats are high rep squats 315 for 25-32reps (3 sets), my legs respond much better to this type of training. Bench usually 315 for 3-4 sets of 6-12 reps, dont go super heavy on bench cause all it will do is cause injury, my chest responds better to more blood volume training.
Deads right now are 405x 10,8,6,4,2 the weight gradually increases. I do standing Military press pyramiding up to 225lbs for a couple of reps (obvisouly with some body action), most of the time I will stay at 155-185 with better form. Bent rows are 315x 10,8,6,4,2 again reps stay the same weight increases. At 239lbs today, I still ripped of a set of 20 pullups, then 15, then 10, (I have been doing pullups for years) and ran .5 mile in 3:42.
Meal 1&5- 1.0 lbs hamburger 90% lean, divided between the two meals, rice, black beans, asparagus, olive oil, and salt.
Meal 2, 3, 4- Same as 1&5 except 3.0 lbs chicken divided between the three meals. When it is time to bring my weight back down, I will adjust the carbohydrate and fat content via, rice, black beans, and olive oil. The amount of meat stays the same.
1-2 gallons water daily
Will post my 240lbs at 5’10 pics in a few days, then you guys can guess my BF at 240lbs.
17 years total of some type of training, if not weights, it was the Marines, Police Academy etc.
i am very impressed with your lifts and fitness young man at 5 10 you are really big 240lbs wow