[quote]vroom wrote:
Each man’s life is sacred. His life, his work, his wealth, are his property. They are not here to alleviate the suffering of others, no matter how much shreiking those others may do in demanding their ‘rights’ to the unearned.
What exactly are we here for? Are we here to amass the most toys before we die? Are we here to make the world a better place? Are we here to live and let die? I don’t know what we are here for, but I suspect people have a lot of different opinions on this topic.
I started this thread to point out how quickly the worship of need can lead to results we don’t want. The painless extractions of today can easily give way to the very painful extractions I listed.
If we aren’t worshipping at the alter of humanity and fellowship, should we worship instead at the alter of greed? Which alter should we all prefer? What about great projects like the initial plan to build a mass highway system throughout America? Sometimes huge capital outlays are good for the future of a nation. Would such an outlay for New Orleans have any such benefit?
Look, I don’t know the answers, but you have to dig a bit further than being pissed off because the government wants to spend a chunk of change on capital improvements in a damaged region of your own country.
I don’t think anybody is suggesting that the government look after all of the victims endlessly, but what kind of effect will it have on the nation if this tragedy goes unfixed? Something? Nothing? Who cares?
I don’t know the answer to that either.[/quote]
I agree with what your saying. The thing that irritates me and makes me angry is that, and this was reported on the TV news so…, agencies like the Red Cross took in over 1.8 billion for Katrina. Now assuming that the Red Cross is the only agency that took in money, which they weren’t, you divide that by the number of affected victims and thats a pretty good chunk of change for each individual. I know thats simplistic, there are infrastructure costs and all, but to me, with all that was given via charities, the gov’t shouldn’t have had to spend anything. There should be enough. In a perfect world with no corruption and greed anyways!
Its very easy to be cynical when one sees this sort of thing happening. And yes, in the long run that attitude sucks. I guess when I really think about it all, I would just like to see it rebuilt, and the people helped and have it done right with some vision. If its done right, then its worth the cost. To me anyway.