Work for today: juggernautAI powerlifting week 3 day 3
Dead stop deficit deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 365x1, 385x6 (PR), 325x6, 325x6, 325x6
Spoto Press: 150x6, 150x6, 155x6
Front squat: 170x8, 170x8, 170x8
Hamstring curl: 85x16, 85x16, 85x16
Leg extension: 130x15, 130x15
GHD sit-up: 17,
Time: 1 hr 28 min
Bonus work:
Pull-ups: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
- happy with deadlift today. Probably had a bit more in me, but trying to keep my form tight on these. For doing these at a deficit, after not sleeping since Monday, running solely off of protein shakes, and ditching straps, I’m feeling pretty damn good with 385x6. Also, dead stop is drastically harder for me than touch and go, which is probably good long term, but humbling in the short. Actually, now that I think of it, this program is filled with things I hate. Paused deads, front squats, paused bench, SSB…. Almost like the program is letting me know the thing so don’t like are probably good for me. Imagine that.
- my soft effeminate hands miss straps.
- front squats and spoto press moved well
- hamstring curls feel good, going slow and really feeling the squeeze. Leg extensions kind of bug my bad knee, but I almost wonder if doing them may be good for my patella? I mean, I did thousands of bodyweight leg extensions as part of physical therapy after the tear
- just did some easy Pullup reps while stretching after my lift
Started a week of leave after work this evening. First time I’ve taken non-holiday leave in the Navy. Flying out Friday for a fishing trip in Colorado for a friends bachelor party, very excited.
Also, I’m taking a break. Not from lifting, but from working. First time in 4 years I’ve taken just some time that I didn’t owe to anyone. I’m gonna lift, but the diets on hold for a week, I’ll let myself have a few drinks, I’ll enjoy guilt free whatever debauchery we get up to this weekend. I’m not about to waste a potentially lifetime memory because I’m worried if the scale says 214 or 218 when I get back, I’ll get back to work on the cut as soon as I’m doing enjoying life.