Hey everyone. This is my first post so I’m probably making a bunch of newbie mistakes. sorry about that ahead of time.
So I’m on week 4 of my first cycle ever.
600mg test e /week
200iu hcg eod
.5 mg arimidex every day
I tried playing with the arimidex dosage, trying to get it right. Since its my first cycle, i don’t really know what to look for in terms of high/low estrogen symptoms. At one point i had sort of sensitive nipples, and seemed bloated. My libido fluctuated too. 5 days ago i decided to switch to some aromasin. the pills arrived in a very non-pharmaceutical looking containers. Starting on day 2 of switching to aromasin, i began waking with painful headaches that lasted throughout the day and feeling very out of sorts, fogginess of the head and such. Today i woke up and it was too much to bear. i took 2 ibuprofen, drank a ton of caffeine, and skipped the aromasin, taking .75 mg arimidex instead.
I have three theories:
The aromasin is fake, and the symptoms i experienced were a result of my estrogen being too high.
The aromasin was real, and 25mg was WAY too much, and i completely killed my estrogen.
The aromasin was really bad quality, and something else in it was giving me the headaches.
I really don’t know what to do here. I paid a lot of money for the aromasin, so I’m really hoping it’s legit, but everything about it screams fake to me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!