Only the trolls would be dumb enough to view this thread. Watch how many views this gets. The proud trolls will post and claim their dominance on T-Nation. The new name of this site should be Troll-Nation. Testosterone-
Nation is a thing of the past. This is now social hour for the trolls. Look at some of the guys will the 1000’s of posts that do not refer to bodybuilding or anything related.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
Only the trolls would be dumb enough to view this thread. Watch how many views this gets. The proud trolls will post and claim their dominance on T-Nation. The new name of this site should be Troll-Nation. Testosterone-
Nation is a thing of the past. This is now social hour for the trolls. Look at some of the guys will the 1000’s of posts that do not refer to bodybuilding or anything related.[/quote]
How ironic that this is the trolliest post I’ve ever read
I honestly hope nobody takes the bait on this one.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
Testosterone-Nation is a thing of the past. This is now social hour for the trolls. Look at some of the guys will the 1000’s of posts that do not refer to bodybuilding or anything related.[/quote]
And you’ve worked this out in your 2 hours as a member?
This is working beautifully. I have identified 3 trolls so far. Trolls lack a gene that most people have. It’s called restraint.
They cannot restrain themselves from responding, no matter how bad they try not to. They just give in.
Pay attention ladies and gentleman, you will have the list of trolls by the time this thread is done.
Yes, I made this name up today for this thread. I am a regular here at T-Nation and have noticed an abundance of trolls lately.
I’m just here to let everyone know who they are.
This is the most genius post ever.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
This is working beautifully. I have identified 3 trolls so far. Trolls lack a gene that most people have. It’s called restraint.
They cannot restrain themselves from responding, no matter how bad they try not to. They just give in.
Pay attention ladies and gentleman, you will have the list of trolls by the time this thread is done.
Yes, I made this name up today for this thread. I am a regular here at T-Nation and have noticed an abundance of trolls lately.
I’m just here to let everyone know who they are.
This is the most genius post ever.
You are retarded.
Go lift some weights.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
This is working beautifully. I have identified 3 trolls so far. Trolls lack a gene that most people have. It’s called restraint.
They cannot restrain themselves from responding, no matter how bad they try not to. They just give in.
Pay attention ladies and gentleman, you will have the list of trolls by the time this thread is done.
Yes, I made this name up today for this thread. I am a regular here at T-Nation and have noticed an abundance of trolls lately.
I’m just here to let everyone know who they are.
This is the most genius post ever.
I am not a troll by any extent, and I’m going to post in this thread because I want to and because you’re an idiot. Maybe if you spend some time around the boards you can figure out who you think is a troll and who is not. Do you really care that much?
I don’t agree with everything everyone says, but geez, starting a tread with the name “are you a troll” is trolling in itself.
So apparently I’m a troll NOW. Have a nice day.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
This is the most genius post ever.
The entire idea for this thread is like the bathrom wall grafiti that reads- “If you read this you are an asshole!”.
So, Congradulations! You just pulled off a 10th grade humor stunt!
I hope the mods trace your isp # and ban your stupid ass.
[quote]MGMF wrote:
This is working beautifully. I have identified 3 trolls so far. Trolls lack a gene that most people have. It’s called restraint.
They cannot restrain themselves from responding, no matter how bad they try not to. They just give in.
Pay attention ladies and gentleman, you will have the list of trolls by the time this thread is done.
Yes, I made this name up today for this thread. I am a regular here at T-Nation and have noticed an abundance of trolls lately.
I’m just here to let everyone know who they are.
This is the most genius post ever.
You’re just too much fun to ignore, quite frankly. And not very bright.
Do you actually even know what a troll is, per chance? To you, a troll is a person is someone who responds to really dumb posts? LMAO That’s rich. A troll really couldn’t be someone who describes his own post as “the most genius post ever” right? Naaaaah.
I’m a troll!!!
Do I win?
I’m pretty sure this is just some sort of ingenius performance art. By acting the fool this poster is somehow shining a light into the troll soul that resides within us all…Either that or they are just a fucking idiot.
To the OP
You have a small penis
Lets make this fun. Everybody submit what you think M.G.M.F. stands for.
my submission is:
The winner gets a tub of Metabolic Drive at the full retail price.
Woops! Screwed up the order of the letters.
[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
Lets make this fun. Everybody submit what you think M.G.M.F. stands for.
my submission is:
The winner gets a tub of Metabolic Drive at the full retail price.
My submission is:
Edit: Well don’t I look like a fool now.
yes, i am a troll.
now, go fuck yourself.
yeah, I just might be a troll,
I clicked this thread in hopes of tracking down some trolls, and bludgeoning them to death with a dumb bell, but then I realized most trolls do not have the testicular fortitude to step foot in a gym.
I have reevaluated the situation and I am now searching all internet cafes, and cyber dork gamerooms for T-Nation trolls, and when I find you I will rip the internet cable out of the wall and use it to hang you little bastards.
By the way MGMF, stands for
That would explain why he had the time to post some dumb shit like this.
Makes Gay Men Fart
My Goal…More Femininity.